
  It gives me great pleasure to invite you or your referrals to participate
in 'Lets Make A Difference' , the annual Youth Conference organized by IofC
('Initiatives of Change') at Asia Plateau, Panchgani, Maharashtra  for the
age group of 17 to 27 years. This is a 7 day residential conference which
starts on the 1st of June 2008 and concludes on the 8th of June 2008. .
Participants have to arrive before 3.00 p.m. on 1st June, those who are
traveling long distance and convenient transport connections are not
available, can arrive at Asia Plateau on 31st May, and can depart any time
after lunch on 8th June;

During my graduation I was sent to this Conference by my Principal in 2002,
ever since that I have been participating as it has helped me tremendously
in my personal life, my family, my career and in my little contribution
towards the society.

           This conference aims to inspire and motivate youth to realize
their inner strengths, to strengthen their value system and lead in their
objectives contributing towards a cleaner, calmer and fairer world. To
achieve this, we take the participants on an inward journey wherein they
introspect and understand themselves better, thus helping them to initiate
changes in their lives to make a difference. This would be done through
various interactive and fun filled activities that would be conducted
throughout the 7 days of the conference.

This Youth Conference is being conducted for over 10 years, attended by
cross section of Indian Youth from various backgrounds and states. IofCis a
non-profit organization which works for a better world by bringing out the
best in people. It encourages every individual to find his or her unique
contribution to the transformation needed in the world - starting with

I met young Indians, discussing and making road maps on how they can make a
difference for making India a better Country. I saw young Journalism
students choosing Rural Journalism from the comfortable metro stories; seen
Harsh quitting his lucrative job for preparing for IAS. A young Goan, Dyson
Misquita quitting his inherited restaurant business & placement job in
National Aids Control Organization for working in Uttaranchal mountains for
Health Programs.  Deepa, an architect from Ankleshwar shared with audience
that for many years she has never used a single plastic bag and she was
instrumental in conducting moral value based Workshop for 75 school
children. Zulfikar Khan a theatre artist, quit his mainstream work in
Chandigarh and started night theatre schools for boys in slums, who would
shoe shine or collect garbage. Next Generation of many businessmen
committing to ethical standards in their business.

Each one asking themselves "How can I make the difference".

Dashmesh, from Nagpur who inherited his father's business empire had bought
acres of land near wildlife sanctuary. It is in his introspection that he
saw a power to transform the lives of youngsters in the nearby village who
were glued to gambling, spurious liquor. He is now working towards
rebuilding the schools, sponsoring the village youth to participate in Youth

Krishna Lohar, an young teacher from Jharkhand, decided to pursue his dream
of building a school in an Adivasi area. In spite of all odds, he managed to
make a school without paying a single bribe. A teacher from Panchgani spent
a year teaching in Nagaland, as his contribution to bridge the gap between
Nagas and Indians.

A young couple from IIM-A, gave up all their time for composing and singing
songs that promote communal harmony. Power of inner voice is something
special, my friend for example quit his corporate job in IBM Daksh to join
Department of Agriculture in Karnataka. In last 6 months, he has been
instrumental in building 85 greenhouses for farmers across North Karnataka.

It might sound as place for social realization. But that's incorrect, I have
seen many siblings speaking and hugging to each other after many years.
Relationships which were broken being  bridged. Nuclear families coming
together. I have seen a Hindu fundamentalist once arrested under TADA first
time in his life hugging Muslim.

To quote my friend Bhanu " At a societal level, such individuals create an
atmosphere of hope, honesty & healing which is essential for any
development. Because they have taken steps of change in their own lives,
they have faith that even others can change like their personal lives and
their surroundings can become different. This empowerment is experiential
and not just cerebral. They no longer feel cynical or apathetic, they become
initiators of Change"

I urge you or your referral to participate in this year's 'Lets Make A
Difference' Youth Conference, it truly will be amazing experience.

Enclosed herewith please find Brochure and Form for the Youth Conference,

For any queries please feel free to contact me, *also inform your friends
and relatives about this so they can join you.*

Please read

Website : http://www.in.iofc.org/abt/faqs/


Jai Hind

On behalf of the Youth Team,

Navendu Shirali



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