Is this the way Gram Sabha conducted?
We went there to see the Xmas Crib (Raia – Zumviar, 
one of the regular spots)
It was closed for public day time but what we saw was
 this typical Tintto like rough or noisy  meeting
 with about 100 people.
Shouting, Physical assault, 
swearing words like Chel***cha, Fodr**chea 
could be heard form far away..  

There, we saw at least 7 cops, 3 outside and 4 inside.
We do read ‘Stormy Gram Sabhas’, 
were wondering ‘Stormy’ means always like this?
What surprised us is that:
- Why use religious premises for such rowdy meetings?
- Why there were no chairs or table?
When asked, some boys said ‘if provided, the chairs would fly’

a small video clip

See ille de Rachol on map
Foll. Info I gathered from the local MLA website – Reginald Lourenco
Ilha de Rachol
The village of Rachol is administered by a five-member panchayat with 
Mr. Joseph P F Vaz as the Sarpanch and Mrs. Minguelina Oliveira 
as the Deputy Sarpanch. The panchayat members are: 
Mr. Milagres Fernandes, Mrs. Cynthia Fernandes and Mr. Guilherme Oliveira. 

for Goa & NRI related info... 

For Goan Video Clips 

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