It's never too late to be kind to a cancer patient
[A personal account about the Shanti Avedna Sadan in Loutolim
and elsewhere]

Fernando do Rego

Did you ever hear about a Catholic institution, opened to one
and all, called the Shanti Avedna Sadan?  The Shanti Avedna
Sadan is India's first hospice for advanced and
terminally-ill cancer patients.  It is neither a hospital nor
a home, but is in fact both, offering the specialized care of
a hospital together with the love of a home.

          The Shanti Avedna Sadan is a service organization
          where absolutely no charges are levied.  Hence,
          there are no private rooms in any of the branches.
          Patients are always encouraged to be in the wards,
          as they can be looked after better and never remain
          lonely.  Single rooms are not given on request, but
          are allotted by the nursing staff according to the
          needs of the patients.

Each bed in the ward in all the branches, however, can be
curtained off for individual privacy and comfort when needed.
Further, in Mumbai, each bed has a beautiful serene view of
the Arabian Sea.  Also, all the wards and rooms are well lit
and ventilated.

The aims of the institution are:

* To care for the advanced and terminally ill cancer patients
  and those cancer patients suffering from AIDS also.

* To offer this care to all who need it, irrespective of
  community caste or creed.

* To give a preference to the poor and needy.

* To give this care totally free of cost.

* To conduct research for palliation in advanced cancer.

Noted cancer surgeon Dr. Luzito J. de Souza (Dr Luis Jose de
Souza) started this hospice and is the managing trustee.
Around 30 years ago he had to give a talk on euthanasia.  A
week prior to this he was called to see a cancer patient
living in a hutment.  She was bed-bound and had RVF and VVF
(Rectoviginal and Vesicovaginal Fistula) with cancer of the cervix.

Yet after doctor examined her she said, "How long will it
take for me to get well?  Do your best, I want to be
comfortable and active if possible." That was when Dr. de
Souza realized that nobody wanted Euthanasia. They would be
happy if they were symptom-free and comfortable.  That was
when he decided to start India’s first hospice.

A lesson from abroad

          I quote Dr.  Luzito de Souza: "We followed the
          rules and regulations of St.  Christopher's
          Hospice, London.  Two of our nurses and me were
          trained by Dame Cicely Saunders & Dr.  Mary Baines.
          Our first hospice opened on November 2, 1986 at
          Bandra, Mumbai.  The second was opened on November
          15, 1986 (in Loutolim) at Goa and the third was
          opened on November 1993 at Delhi."

"'Shanti' means peace, 'Avedna' means no pain, while 'Sadan'
means a house of rest.  Our emblem is a strong hand holding a
weak hand within the flame of love and under the roof of the
hospice.  We say where there is love there is no pain and if
there is pain it is a pain that is loved.  There are various
types of pain -- physical, social, financial, mental etc.  We
may not be able to solve all the pain especially family
problems.  Many patients have been dumped by the family who
never even come to visit them.  So we say, do not worry.  We
are there with you and will do the best we can."

What for is hospice care needed; this is an often asked
question.  Is it not better to spend this time with someone
who is going to live?  The answer is that these unfortunate
cancer patients who have reached the end of the life are also
living human beings for whatever time their flame of life is
left to burn.  There is no greater joy in life than that
which comes from helping to relieve some one's pain and
suffering, especially someone who cannot afford doing it for
himself and herself.

I will now relate to you how Shanti Avedna Sadan came to
Loutolim, Goa.  My mind flies back to those days when there
was a unique solar eclipse and we had gone with the children
to spend a night and day at Farmaguddi, to see the unique
event in 1970.  In the evening, I drove them down to Ponda to
visit our good friends Teresinha Coelho married to her cousin
Victor Coelho, and their aunt Elvira Noronha, who happened
to live with them.

Most casually, Victor told me that 'Tia Elvira' had an
ancestral house in Loutolim and she wished to donate it to
any charity institution.  Could I suggest any?

"Certainly, Dona Elvira...  the Shanti Avedna Ashram."

"What is that supposed to be?"

"It is a Hospice for Peace without Pain for terminal cases of
cancer that was started in Bandra, Bombay that by Dr. Lusito
de Souza, opened and supported by people from different

"I certainly agree, my friend... But I have a condition...
the home of my ancestors will not be demolished and nowhere
will my name figure as donor but a small plaque with the
names of my parents..."

"Don't worry, Dona Elvira, I will convey to Dr. Luzito your

          Several years after its inauguration, I had the
          opportunity to take the late Bishop Jose Policarpo
          (later Cardinal) of Lisbon to visit Shanti Avedna
          Sadan.  After going round the place he commented,
          enchanted "Fernando!  As far as I know nowhere in
          the continental Europe there is an organization
          like this."

This happened some forty four years back!  Today (December 2,
2014), a Goan Cardinal, Oswald Gracias, is going to bless its
extension.  Both Victor and Teresinha and Elvira will also
witness the same from Paradise!  The new wards will be
inaugurated and all are welcome to send patients that need
this care so that the facilities offered are fully utilized.

You're also welcome to visit the Sadan and see for yourselves
the work that is being done.  Since it's going to be
Christmas time, don't forget to carry Christmas sweets for
the patients who are already there for love and care.

If you are musically inclined, you could also play and sing
'The Silent Night', 'Adeste Fideles' and the folk songs like
the Manddo.  Such organization do need lots of publicity
specially to be known by one and all and also so that those
who can afford may also help financially as so many have
done.  Interestingly, the late St.  Pope John Paul II blessed
it when he was on his way to the Mount Mary Basilica nearby.
Fernando Rego, an agronomist by training (author of "The
Mango in Goa", among other publications) and deeply Goan at
heart, is a distinguished resident of Goa's Latin Quarter,
Fontainhas at Panjim.  An octogenarian, he takes an active
interest in Goan issues and concerns and has long been active
in cyberspace.

MORE ABOUT DR Luizito here:

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