Respected Editor,
  Having read today's newsletter.I think we are wasting precious space to 
discuss grade three material.Jose Pereira is welknown by goans for 
years.Sanatan Sanstha is new to Goa.I was born and brought up in Goa and
left Goa for Bombay for higher studies in 1960.I came back to Goa in 2010 to 
find that the politicians are creating problems between communities with the 
help of Media.Goans lived peacefully for centuries.
It is only after the electoral process was started,that the politicians 
are misusing the media.All Goans are peace loving people basically.This cheap 
way of using media has to be refuted by all.
   With best regards,
   Damodar Bale,
   11-Winton Road,
   East Bruswick,

* * *

Was life in the *kudds* glamourised? Who said, "It appears that the Goanese 
(sic) are a roving people, prepared to go to any part of the world for 
well-paid employment"? How did Goans find their first toehold in the Gulf? Find 
your answers in Selma
Carvalho's *Into the Goan Diaspora Wilderness*. Buy from
Broadways Book Centre, Panjim [Ph +91-9822488564] Price (in
Goa only) Rs 295.

* * *

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