Jumping frogs
Yet a second attempt to cross over after failure of the first botched
efforts.The voters did show their annoyance by dumping the traitors.
The reason for changing sides is crystal clear  either for enrichment ,
position , power and also to hide their skeletons of misdeeds, politicians
are not committing Harikari jeopardizing their career Besides the lure and
enticements by ruling party to destroy opposition and strenghten their
grip  on power structure.Their ideologies were certified before elections
to which they were bound by public  religious oaths.Everyone is aware of
witchunts and heat unleashed  on Lobo and dissatisfaction  of Kamat of
being ignored and humiliated by Congress High command.
What is the reason for the rest to make common cause with disgruntled
elements ? The common thread running in all other states ruled by
opposition  need no exaggeration that power by all means is legitimate and
That vote considered as sacred duty is a myth. No party is willing to
tighten screws on defections laws
A simple rule  is that defectors must resign including independents and be
banned for at least two terms.They should also not hold any office of
profits under Govt.The entire cost of reelection must be recovered from
the  defector
The voters are frustrated as beyond voting they can be ignored with
impunity  .Those voters who vote for note or considerations are shielded
against these actions. Why do we not see defections in BJP  party and that
should provide a clue and a  solution
The ruling party deliberately   ignores development equally in all
constituencies so that MLA will not be able to show any progress going back
to people
Hence defections after election for development including self is an alibi
no voter buys.  What is the choice left for honest voter. It is a delima
that defies satisfaction for democratic elections  Dharnas and sit in at
defectors  residences will not stand the test of law
Nelson Lopes

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