We at South Goa Public Interest Action Group note with deep concern that numerous Groups have sprouted up to oppose the setting up of Special Economic Zones SEZ in Goa.
We at SGPIAG have opposed the SEZ as these are not suited for small States like Goa as they threaten the demographic composition of the State and the much hyped employment potential these SEZ's are intended to create do not match the temperment of Goans. While we have building up opinion against the SEZ either by word of mouth or private presentations we have not alienated with any of the Groups spearheading the anti-SEZ movements as they smack of political affiliations either overtly or covertly. In the considered opinion of SGPIAG, the Groups connected with the anti SEZ movement should NOT permit any elected representative MLA/MP to use this fora to express their opposition to SEZ as they could as elected representatives either do so in the proper fora viz either on the floor of the Goa Legislative Assembly or in Parliament. Members of the public too should stand forewarned to lend their support to the movement only after clearly understanding the ill effects of SEZ in Goa instead of being swayed by emotive appeals, as this would only help politicians consolidate their vote banks for their own political agenda. We firmly believe that if MLA's are sincere about their opposition to SEZ they could as well raise the issue during the forthcoming first session of the fifth legislative Assembly of the State of Goa commencing from 10th January, 2008 to 18th January, 2008. We further appeal to all NGO's in Goa to ensure that they remain apolitical when taking up issues of public interests lest they be viewed as appendages of political parties. For SOUTH GOA PUBLIC INTEREST ACTION GROUP Regd No 171/GOA/2000 dt 12.12.2000 sd/- TERENCE MAZARELO PRESIDENT (SGPIAG) 1st Flr Benlix Bldg Opp Fatima Convent Margao Goa India [EMAIL PROTECTED] weblink http://mumbai.sancharnet.in/manojnd FAX +91 832 2712430 HELPLINE (24 hrs) 9822158584 Tel +91 832 2731373 (O) TO LEARN MORE ABOUT GOA/INDIA visit:www.goidirectory.nic.in,www.goagovt.nic.in Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. Go to http://in.messenger.yahoo.com/webmessengerpromo.php