Dear Friends and acquaintances of Melgoans,

I am pleased to inform you that for the very first time in Melbourne, Victoria our Konkani music will be played on Thursday the 21st February 2008 between 11.00 am and 11.30 am on the respected 3CR Community Radio 85.5 AM. Our Konkani songs are expected to be played at around 11.20 am to be precise on the above date.

Our Konkani songs are also expected to be played on any of the Tuesdays (starting tomorrow) between 12 to 2.00 pm (subject to schedule of songs for that day) or on any of the following Tuesdays through the station's featured program "Music Sans Frontieres".

I am unsure of how many of us tune to this community radio which has not only great music but knowledge of various multicultural communities in Melbourne.

If you have not been tuning to this station, I would recommend that you please tune in and please pass the word around to all Goans, Mangaloreans and others in Melbourne who may be interested to know about our music .

Enjoy the music and a big Thank you from us all to the management of 3CR community Radio who are doing a wonderful job in bringing the multicultural community together through one common language 'music'

Warm Regards


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