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    This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro

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In Kuwait City yesterday 25th of this month, in an unprecedented show of solidarity with Romi Konkani supporters in Goa Tiatrists, Tiatro organizers and also Tiatro Lovers joined together and strongly condemned the attitude of Rane Government in Goa and all the Congress MLAs for supporting the decision to make Marathi also as an official language of Goa. The meeting appreciated the decision to elevate Romi script Konkani on par with Nagri but opposed the elevation of Marathi. The meeting was convened on behalf of the like minded Tiatrists by the renowned Tiatrist, Playwright, Director, composer and singer Rosary Ferns. It was very nice to see all sections and factions attending the meet, without any differences, called for a particular cause of Roman script Konkani. Since Tiatrists are the promoters and users of Konkani and that too in Romi script on which they sustain, they are bound to support this cause irrespective of their affiliations to any factions and hence Rosary Ferns initiative to convene this meet which was firmly attended and warmly supported by the stalwarts and members of Kuwait Konknni Kendr, Konkani Heritage Kuwait, Goan Welfare Society, Kuwait Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha, Kala Mogui, Xavier & Manuel Productions, BMB Productions, Choir Group and others. Some of the Tiatrists who could not attend this important meet due to their work schedule conveyed their inability but concurred their support. Among others who attended this meet were: Elvino Rodrigues (President Kuwait Konknni Kendr), Fidelis Fernandes(President Konkani Heritage Kuwait), Carmo Santos(President Goan Welfare Society), Domnick Araujo(Kala Mogui and Kuwait Tiatristanchi Sonvstha), Pal Soares(Kuwait Tiatristanchi Sonvstha), Alex de Consua (Kuwait Tiatristanchi Sonvstha), Lawry Miranda(Kuwait Tiatristanchi Sonvstha), Margareth D’Cruz, Urban D’Cruz, Leper Manuel Goes (Xavier & Manuel Productions), Benny Vaz (MBM Productions), Salu Faleiro and Bab Agnelo (Both prominent Kuwait Tiatrists and directors), Lucas Diniz (Kuwait Tiatristanchi Sonvstha), Thomas Gonsalves, Joaquim Mendes, Luis D’Costa (Miracles Club of Sanguem), Royden Menezes, Rosary Ferns and A. Veronica Fernandes.

The main speakers who in their speeches blasted Rane Government for introducing Marathi as one of the official languages of Goa were KKK President Elvino Rodrigues who at one particular point indicated how only during the Congress rule under Rane this language controversy is surfacing thereby putting us Konknnivadis and Romivadis in particular into total inconvenience. Elvino further said that Marathi is already given sufficient level in the language act and it does not require any further concession but Romi Konkani necessarily need further booster. It is only the status of script that is Roman script which is required elevation and nothing else. He appreciated Rosary Ferns initiative in taking such a bold step at the right time to show the opposition of Kuwait Tiatrists for the introduction of Marathi in Goa. Fidelis Fernandes the president of KHK in his address said this is the right time for Kuwait Tiatrists and Tiatro organizers to make their mind clear on Konkani and show their disgust over Rane Government of elevating Marathi on par with Konkani. Fidelis further applauded Prince Jacob a Goa based Tiatrist for being bold enough amongst the Goa based Tiatrists who are living on Romi Konkani to oppose Rane Government’s decision on Marathi. Rosary Ferns in his address said as Tiatrists we cannot remain silent spectators to the events going on in Goa in support of Marathi and declared his total support to Prince Jacob opposition to Rane Government and also to everyone who are opposing Marathi. Rosary also called upon other Tiatrists in Goa and elsewhere to come out openly against Marathi in Goa. Domnick Araujo the founder of Kala Mogui in Kuwait and also one of the stalwarts of Kuwait Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha applauded Rosary Ferns for initiating this meeting to show the solidarity of Kuwait Tiatrists for all those who are supporting Romi Konkani and opposing Marathi in Goa. Carmo Santos the president of Goan Welfare Society putting more stress on the history of Konkani movement described the events leading to the martyrdom of 7 Romi Konkani souls for the cause of Konkani. He also described the sacrifices Churchill Alemao made during those turbulent days for the recognition of Konkani leading to the granting of statehood on Goa. Lucas Deniz a well known Konkani writer, tiatrist and director in his strongly worded speech assured his total support for such causes and said for Konkani cause he will support anyone declaring that Konkani deserve support. Hence, he said it is his support for this meet.

During the meeting it was decided to boycott our opponents namely Nagrivadis and in this direction all the Majordekars were asked to boycott the “Posro” – Shop of Damodar Mauzo in Majorda Goa. Some of the Majordekars attending this meet agreed to inform their family members and relatives in Majorda to boycott Bhai Mauzo’s Posro. So also the legal services of Uday Bhembro. The people from Salcette and Margao patronizing legal services of Uday Bhembro are asked to withdraw their cases given into the hands of Bhembro who is the worst opponent of Romivadis. He is called Hitler of Nagerivadis, a racist, casteist and communalist. The way Hitler hated Jews, Bhembro also hates Romivadis as if Konkani is his “Bapaicho Fath”. Konkani belongs to all Konkanivadis irrespective of what script they follow. By having monopoly of the Nagri script in their favour Bhembro and all his associates and supporters are robbing Romivadis of their due rights. These corrupt Nagrivadi Bamon should be stopped henceforth from imposing their Braminic and Sanscrikit Konkani on others. Churchill Alemao’s role 20 years back came for appreciation and applauded by everyone but it was agreed that currently Churchill Alemao is become a corrupt, not what he was pure before. Political aspirations has spoiled his original Konkani self. Earlier 20 years back during the Konkani agitation he was persecuted under the instructions of Rane. It was Rane who wanted to kill him for fighting for the cause of Konkani and because of this threat Churchill went underground for many days otherwise Rane’s police would surely kill Churchill by giving any silly excuse as they did for Floriano Vas saying he tried to snatch the gun from the hands of Constable. Churchill was partly responsible for the success of Konkani cause during those days of language agitation and not the Nagrivadis like Pundalik, Bhembres, Kelekars, Mauzos, Shivdases and their partners. Churchill and his partners faced the challenge of Rane bodily while Nagrivadis hid under the petticoats of their female folks. Not only Churchill, even his entire family members suffered because of language issue and because of this fight his brothers were also persecuted by Rane. For this reason everyone in the meeting applauded Churchill and his then constructive role.

As a link between Goa and Kuwait, an Adhoc Committee was formed under Goan Tiarists in Kuwait for the support of Romi Konkani and for the opposition of Marathi in Goa. This committee comprised: 1: Rosary Ferns. 2: Domnick Araujo. 3: Lucas Deniz. 4: Bab Agnelo and 5: Salu Faleiro.

While concluding it was agreed to call upon all the Tiatrists spread all over the world to come out with their open support either individually or collectively for this cause immediately. It should not be considered as prerogative of this meeting only to raise its voice. All others should join too on their own. Not only Tiatrists and Tiatro organizers but also all those who call themselves Goans. This is the time to direct our energies on Konkani because Konkani is the soul of Goa and not Marathi. The Mother tongue of Goans is only one and that too Konkani. We cannot have two mother tongues.

As a matter of interest during the meeting the role of tiatrists Peter-Roshan, Anil-Fatima and Ullas Buyao came for scanner. In one audio cassette “Udentichem Komoll” all these singers praised BJP. As we know BJP is anti-Christian like MGP and Rane. Since BJP is anti-Christian we should not support in future the supporters of BJP. Romi script is the backbone of Christians and since this is the case BJP is also anti-Romi. Currently BJP in Goa is also clamouring for Marathi. In view of this it was decided to give a call to all Tiatro lovers to boycott all the artistes who are supporting BJP. When they come to Kuwait next they should be targeted first. Not only this all the Goa based Tiatrists who are refraining from openly supporting our cause they and their shows should be boycotted. We have meantime already taken a decision to campaign against those visiting troupes and tiatrists to Kuwait for their silence on this subject. They must make their stand clear now and now otherwise we will treat them as enemies of Goans when they come next to Kuwait.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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