I had to get a new book from Central Library and it being the Booker season
I thought of getting a Booker Prize winning book. Of course our dear
Krishnadas Shama Library was never that perceptive that it would predict
the latest Booker winner

Given that fact, I started poking around the stacks and when I came across
Ian McEvan's *Amsterdam *which won the Booker prize in 1998, I said this is
my latest book.

So I borrowed the book and as I began browsing through the book I said to
myself: "Hey, this book is prescient - it was written about an incident
that purportedly happened in 1996 but which has foreshadowed or predicted
what happened 2 decades later!"

Q: What happened 2 decades later, meaning 2016?
A: The* L'affaire* Keith Vaz.

At the heart of *Amsterdam* is the story of a Julian Garmony, UK Foreign
Secretary,  a politician who is on the rise getting his political knickers
in a moral twist after the death of a former mistress who was a
photographer. This happens after the intimate photos she took of him cross
dressing get into the hands of his political enemies.

The Wikipedia entry does not exactly reveal what my reading tells me about
Ian McEwan's book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amsterdam_%28novel%29 - but
never mind - people's perceptions differ.

However the point I want to make is that I was stunned that the plot of
*Amsterdam* followed the Keith Vaz story so closely - if one only exchanges
Garmony's cross-dressing with Vaz's encounters with drugs and male
prostitutes - the plot is identical.

They say fiction imitates reality; I think that sometimes reality imitates
fiction - albeit two decades later and in a more vicious way.

Moral of the story: Politicians should read more fiction.


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