Kejriwal waiting in the wings
The BJP has to some extent demolished Congress as   all India opposition
party. Congressmen have wilingly abandoned its flagship for selfish reasons
of remaing in the seat of power.It is working overtime to reign in some
political stalwarts in southern states by fair and foul means.It will take
a long time  to achieve its  grand design of establishing or percolating
in as many states as possible. Their agenda  is appeasement .poaching,
Hindutwa ,temples and hatred against minority and speudo Nationalism .The
citizens identif with  totallywith BJP assuming that their interests are
well protected.Some outstanding political leaders are confined to their own
states and attempts to spread their wings beyond borders have come a
Kejriwal an IItian is a rising star on the horizon of political
landscape.He is a  novice and rank outsider  in politics.He has  steadily
built his image as a  mass crusader against corruption that catapulted him
on a National stage.His ambitions to enter politics have paid
dividends.Twice winning majority in Delhi inspite of massive  propaganda
unleashed by top functionaries.He is now being haunted as corrupt and
harbouring corrupt with many of his top aides abandoning him.Some of his
close associates are now being hounded and booked for illegalities and
corrupt practices but are yet to be convicted.None had expected that he
would spread his wings beyond Delhi to Punjab with a bang and success that
is difficult  to fathom
AAP now has its presence in more states and has made  slow and steady
inroads   and bound to consolidate in future
The Delhi   model has come to stay  and people are comfortable and
satisfied to repose trust  in his policies in action which touch the most
vulnerable  in the society
He is an astute politicians who can convincingly and independently speak
out his mind clearly  without having to be prompted The massive campaign
by high and mighty including  Govt apparatus of demoralising AAP  is an
indication of  serious threat perception to aspirations of monolith in power
He is an intelligent alternative to National leadership in future.He is not
drawn into   degrading politics of personal attacks on personalities
Kejriwal concentrates on policies and programmes and much appreciated for
his level of  astute acumen and a pleasue to listen too.The allegations are
akin to water being splashed on ducks back and nothing sticks  even if
plaster thick the say
One day in future Kejriwal could be a better choice to lead the Nation and
even as a dynamic  opposition leader but the numbers are not in his favour
The nascent party has registered its presence away from Delhi and that is a
sign of sunrise for AAP
KEJRIWAL is waiting in wings for a greater role in Indian political scene
He has risen from social crusader to a political leader and is a thorn for
parties aspiring to consolidate.He is now the main target to be demolished
for his  political ascendancy  as election to Delhi Municipalities  and
Gujarat are in the offing
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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