Learn one (or more) Konkani word today:

NIALL m reflection.

NIALL CORUNC VO NIALLUNC to consider, to reflect, to redound.

NIB n cause, motive.

NIB DIUNC to give an excuse.

NIBANCHO, -I, -EM insincere, finding excuses.

NIBAO quietness, calmness.

NIBAUNC to still, to appease, to calm, to repose.

NIBOR hard; ho fator nibor, this stone is hard; Lourens nibor,
Lourence is cruel; ho soro chodd nibor, this liquor is very strong;
nibor nibor fator, very hard.

NIBOR CORUNC to harden.

NIBOR ZAUNC to grow harsh or hard or firm.

NIBRAUNC VO NIBRAI hardness, toughness, solidity (fig) rudeness,
harshness, inhumanity, resistence

NICA marriage-tie.

NICANDDO unnecessary, useless.

NICAUNC to undo, to take, to dismount.

[Source: Konkani-English Pocket Dictionary/Concanim-Inglez Dicionar.
First published (authored probably by Dacho Furtado) in 1930.
Republished in 1991 and 1999 by the Asian Educational Services, Rs 195
in India. Also in a Broadway reprint.]

Text is from a 1930 dictionary, and written style may have changed
since. Feel free to share this with anyone who might be interested.
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