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Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS) announces its Mega Konkani Tiatr

It’s now confirmed and Kuwait-Goa Tiatristanchi Sonvstha (KGTS), celebrating 
its 10thAnniversary, are all set to present a Konkani Drama (Tiatr) titled 
“Tiatristanchi Moladikh Kala” on Friday, 27thJuly 2012 at the Indian Community 
School Auditorium (Seniors -Building 1) in Salmiya, Kuwait at 4:00 p.m. 
Having successfully staged 5 (five) block-buster musical shows in Kuwait – 
“Tiatr ani Tiatrist”in 2004, “Konknni Machiek Noman” in 2005, “Ostad Tiatrist” 
in 2006, “Konknni Machiechi Ithias” in 2007, “Tiatristponn Devachem Dennem” in 
2009 and the entire proceeds generously distributed amongst 24 (Twenty-four) 
Senior-most Konkani Stage Artists in Goa and Mumbai, KGTS this year will bring 
in the entertainment Konkani drama lovers wished for. 
For more details, email kgts...@hotmail.com or contact Tel: 66195019 / 99106617 
/ 69966507 / 97543113 / 90022487 / 99391452 / 66153265.


Mui zaxi, sakor khaxi, vagh zaxi lakudd khaxi. 


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