25th March 2016


His Lordship Justice T.S. Thakur

Honourable Chief Justice of India

Supreme Court of India



Your Lordship,

Greetings from Goa!

By this letter may I in public interest most humbly seek your kind
intervention to ensure that for the below mentioned compelling reasons the
name of the very tainted Atmaram Nadkarni be not considered for the coveted
post of Supreme Court Judge.

It is with deep anguish and utter dismay that we have learnt of the secret
back door machinations by the Advocate General of Goa Atmaram Nadkarni to
try and get himself sneakingly elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of
India. It would be the darkest ever day in the history of the Indian
Judiciary if this were to ever be a reality.

India’s highest paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni by his blatant acts
of omission and commission has brought utter and sheer disgrace to the high
Constitutional post of Advocate General of Goa.

Professional ethics demands that a person occupying the high and solemn
constitutional post as Advocate General should never appear for a private
party in a case where the government is directly or even indirectly a party
but this cardinal principle has been brazenly flouted by Atmaram Nadkarni
in his never ending penchant for raking in the moolah even by any unholy

Persons appointed to any Constitutional position should never be someone
who has a lust and  greed for wealth or having vested interest with any
lobby but has to always ensure the State’s best interests at heart. They
should act as a role model while upholding impeccable integrity and the
highest ethical standards. Being important Constitutional functionaries
their conduct at all times must be absolutely beyond any shadow of doubt. But
the flamboyant Atmaram Nadkarni is known to be a man without any principles
and someone who would dip even into the gutter if the stakes are high.

As Advocate General of Goa Atmaram Nadkarni has maintained close links with
the Mining, Casino and Builder’s lobby while in violation of ethics and in
conflict of interest has been appearing directly and indirectly in cases
against the Government. Atmaram Nadkarni has also managed to get his very
own close relative and legally poor knowledged Dattaprasad Lawande
appointed as Government Advocate and as if that was not enough, as
Additional Public Prosecutor in the High Court with absolutely no knowledge
of criminal Law but drawing huge fixed amounts from the State's exchequer,
that too, with merely a solitary appearance in a month in criminal matters
and to crown it all was also appointed as the Assistant Solicitor General
of India.

There needs to be a probe into the mind boggling wealth and assets acquired
by Atmaram Nadkarni over the last four years in particular as Advocate
General of Goa. A report from the Intelligence Bureau if sought would
reveal his dubious antecedents and conduct. Also it would be worthwhile to
conduct an inquiry as to the persons with whom he has been interacting
either in Goa or in Delhi including the now fugitive Vijay Mallya and this
would only prove that these unwanted characters would be a major
embarrassment for the Judiciary. Despite representing the State, he has
chosen to appear for the establishments of Vijay Mallya, to protect
Mallya's interests, with his office juniors even appearing on other sides,
all part of the big well stitched game.

Besides other politicians the flamboyant Atmaram Nadkarni is known to be
also extremely close to Manohar Parrikar,  the now Defence Minister with
both being privy to each other’s deals. Infact the manner in which Atmaram
Nadkarni has been tagging Manohar Parrikar all along, he has been rightly
taunted as Manohar Parrikar’s ADC and Man Friday. They have even travelled
together all the way to the infamous red light “Walking Street” of Pattaya
in Bangkok.   Manohar Parrikar later publicly clarified that their visit
was not to have sex but that they merely enjoyed Thai massages. “Do I have
to go so far for sex” is what Manohar Parrikar had the audacity of asking
the journalists.

Atmaram Nadkarni has a very shady past who along  with the son of a then
very prominent Margao politician  had gone dressed as  policemen, to rape
foreigners in Benaulim village in South Goa and had got caught by the
locals but  managed to escape from their clutches and flee. The case was
hushed through the influence of the then prominent Margao Politician. Also
less said the better is on his role in the then infamous Miramar sex
scandal which allegedly involved prominent politicians and their kin.

As a lawyer, Atmaram Nadkarni had the dubious distinction of doing ‘fixing
and setting’ of cases when his father-in-law the late, Mr. Vijay Nadkarni,
was the Advocate General of Goa. Even before he was designated as Senior
Counsel, Atmaram Nadkarni very highhandedly started wearing the Senior
Counsel gown, which he had to stop wearing, upon the complaint by his own
then Additional Advocate General Mr. Vilas Thali. Retired Justice R.M Lodha
would be in a position to reveal why Atmaram Nadkarni's bid to get his
gown, was nixed initially by the Bombay High Court.

His love for money has not dwindled, even after assuming office as Advocate
General.  In 2012 Atmaram Nadkarni on becoming the Advocate General managed
to hike his fees to Rs. 8 Lakhs per month and is currently, the highest
paid Advocate General of India  – being paid out of funds of the State

While he continues to represent the Government, he has been advising and
protecting the interests of the mining and other lobbies – even drafting
Petitions for them (not just settling but even drafting), getting his
juniors (by labelling them as former juniors), to represent.   Hanumant
Naik, Pankaj Vernekar and Kaif Noorani amongst others are being used as
proxies, to fight litigations. Unless a litigant pays his ‘respects’ to
Atmaram Nadkarni, no reciprocal favour is done in Court.

In Goa we have been witness to Atmaram Nadkarni’s skills of wining and
dining Judges. It has been painful to see some very good Judges being led
astray. It was so unfortunate that the wife of a now retired Bombay High
Court Judge had to write to the Chief Justice that her husband be not
posted in Goa. It would be worthwhile to examine how a Bombay High Court
Judge was utterly corrupted by Atmaram Nadkarni to the extent that this
good Judge was often to be found regularly enjoying the pleasures of life
in a special room at a starred hotel, provided at the behest of Atmaram

Alike the politicians it was a public sponsored Atmaram Nadkarni’s
50th birthday
held on November 23rd  2013 at the five starred Taj Fort Aguada at
Sinquerim in Goa. The party which had around 400 guests with imported
Scotch whisky flowing through the night was estimated to have cost around
Rs 20 lakhs with a bill of Rs 14 lakhs for food and alcohol only issued in
the name of Calangute de-facto Sarpanch Joseph Sequeira who was in charge
of collecting money from all and sundry to foot the bill of Atmaram
Nadkarni’s that lavish birthday.  The party was attended by some notorious
elements including some of the prime accused in the Goa illegal mining

Also, Atmaram Nadkarni by misusing his position as Advocate General has
wined and dined Judges, at State's expense and on State invitations, to win
the close contact and connections with these Honourable Judges.

If a person like Atmaram Nadkarni is allowed to occupy the August chair as
Judge of the highest temple of justice in our country, the Supreme Court
will be reduced to a den for fixing matters – and become a trader’s

I hope the Supreme Court Collegium in its wisdom will act appropriately in
rejecting the name of Atmaram Nadkarni in view of his sordid and gory
background as stated above.

Caroline Kennedy had so very rightly said “The bedrock of our democracy is
the rule of law and that means we have to have
an independent judiciary, judges who can make decisions independent of the
political winds that are blowing”

Yours Sincerely,

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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