One is pleased to see great Goan women being recognised

Their achievements have for long been despised and disguised

Now will someone please compile a profile

Of woman achievers that have done something worthwhile

So that our young girls are of their achievements apprised?

- Shanti Dhoot


Message: 6 ; 8 May 2008
From: "jane gillian rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] great goan women

Dear Friends,

(A) I must commend Placinto on his beautifully written article on "Great
Goan Women".

In fact, even better, he has given a solution to all Goans, as to how,
probably, a better alternative to bad governance by goan males in Goa, is,
"to reserve 100% of the assembly seats to Goan women for just a decade,...".
 A fantastic solution to all the annual, childish, immature tantrums which
are resorted to by goan politicians which are time and money-consuming
re-elections, in Goa.

(B)  Selma's e-mail,  below was also interesting, as it praised all Great
Indian women, but unfortunately, the men of those states, such as
Maharashtra, Kerala etc... have not praised their own women, but Placinto, a
goan male has praised Goan Women. Great!!!!!!!!

Her statement in her e-mail below:- "Conversely many a Goan female leads a
very sheltered life and is unable to hold a conversation on anything other
than maids and babies", is surprising, because every Goan woman I meet,
loves to speak about, not only maids and babies, but also ...politics,
careers, women's rights....etc.

I agree, many a Goan female is proud and privileged to lead a very
sheltered, but, safe life, with love, support,help and respect from family

Can any of you tell me, whether Madame Reita Faria, of Tivim village, Goa,
who won the "Miss World" Title did so, by speaking about maids and


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