Mr Alvito Lopes leaves for heavenly abode
After ailing for sometimes, the glorious innings of 96 years have finally
come to close  on 24 October 2017, at Nagzarkar Hospital, Chinchinim., He
passed away peacefully after medical intervention proved fruitless .He
lived a satisfied, purposeful and happy life with the family. He served
creditably the Railways and was based at Miraj. He was ever willing to
extend help and was at hand to assist fellow travelers specially villagers.
After retirement he opened a business to keep himself occupied.
• He was a prominent, respected citizen and socially committed. He was a
deeply religious person steeped in faith and which    blessed the family
with two vocations of a priest and a  nun.  .He was the member of the
Parish Council, Eucharistic Minister, Executive member of Fabrica, and
Confraria, where his valuable contributions for many years are a matter of
enviable records. He was also a member of Chinchinim-Deussua Panchayat.
Besides he was the President of Chinchinim and Deussua Communinades .He
served as the President of Holy Cross Chapel Dandeavado, and St Sebastiao
Chapel at Bandfoll, as the  resident representative of Chinchinim Deussua
Club based in Bombay. He carried on as the President of  Public
distribution Society and his role strengthened the institution .He survived
a fatal attack  while spearheading the social  revolt  against duck grazers
from outside the State polluting our cultivable fields.
There is no doubt that he was  very special person from DANDEAVADO,
Chinchinim Village to have held various positions  of honour
,responsibility and delivered to best of his ability and remains an
outstanding icon of social and religious commitments for  the village.
Chinchinim Village has been orphaned by the  loss of  a prominent,
respected, religious social leader and remains an example to be emulated.
He is survived by his wife Brigida, sons Fr Tony, Mr Alberto, Mr Savio, and
daughters Ms.Filu, Ms Angela And Sister Laura and their families
Funeral  cottage will leave his residence to O. L. Hope Chinchinim at 4.30
pm to be followed by Eucharistic celebrations and last rites
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes

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