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Mr. Cypriano Lopes.. A life lived with responsibility and duty

“You are loved, you will be loved, and you will always be loved”

Born on 21 July, 1961  at Orlim to Mr. Fabiano S.D. and Mrs. Albertina Josepha 
Lopes  .  He was one of the twin brothers among 3 brothers and a sister. His 
father was very much attached and rightly fond of him. He was beacon of light 
and guide even to the extended family. He was abstemious person, stayed away 
from alcohol, smoke and never served alcohol at any of his functions .Described 
as a “jewel of a person” his motto being “ It is nice to be important, but more 
important to be nice” His qualities of heart and soul, listening skills,  
helpful ,soft spoken nature , humility endeared him to all .His conflict 
management, and non-confrontation attitude helped him to build  lasting 
relationships, fulfilling his role as the son ,husband, father brother- in 
–law, neighbor and friend

He was studious and intelligent person  who topped his class at SSC, at Mount 
Mary`s H .School, Chinchinim and was recipient of People of Chinchinim awards. 
He was a commerce graduate.


He represented his college and Goa in football at National School games, 
Guwahati, Assam in 1979’

He introduced, popularized in Dandeavado, Chinchinim, State and local Badminton 
Championships. He promoted interest in cricket under Cricket Club of Chinchinim.

A founder member of P.C.Trust. Founder member of Parish Youth association. 
President of Junior Jaycees Chinchinim, Vice President, Dalgado Konkani 
Academy, Founder member, Romi Konkani Lipi Action Front. Medical Sales 
Representative for Napha, Topline pharmaceuticals. Ex correspondent of Heraldo. 
Employee at St Mary`s H S, Varca. Transmission Executive at Goa Doordarshan 
1992 and promoted as Programme Executive,2005 .A legal intervention secured his 
denied appointment being the only candidate with required knowledge of Konkanni 
..Ex Secretary Godwin C operative Society,Cujira Santa Cruz

A voracious reader of English literature, and classics., His investigative 
reports  on corruption cases made it  to  front headlines in Herald. He learnt 
the hard way that there is no press or creative freedom, but still loved 
journalism with its limitations and controversies, His articles were published, 
 both in English and Konkani  notably “Romi Lipi Khatir  Zhogddim kiteak’ 
,”Lipi nimitan “. “ Save a Konkani Institution:., . He was in forefront to 
spread Konkani literature and Romi Konkani. Central Service rules severely 
restricted his passion for writings. His creative talents found true 
expressions for innovative, distinctive programmes at Goa Doordarshan 
propagating, music, theatre. telefilms .He was passionate about Goan culture 
and encouraged Konkani Telefilms, Konkanni songs, spiritual music, carol 
singing, play writes, discussions , debates, phone in programmes.  He has 
provide a platform for budding artist, moderators, interviewers and 
commentators .He enjoyed trust, appreciation and support of his superiors.  His 
last project to digitize all Konkani Songs remained unfulfilled dream. His 
pioneering work to establish  legal right of Godwin Co operative  society, 
register it, secure surroundings and abuse by the owner were path breaking 
initiatives. He arranged 350 Senior Citizens cards from Social Welfare Dept, 
Goa under CCC. to  Chinchinim Villagers.

As the President, Chinchinim Junior Jaycees, established an award for Konkani 
for SSC students of Schools of Chinchinim Village. His friends and admirers 
have founded awards for the  First, Second, third students at SSC , value of Rs 
7000, Rs 3000, Rs 2000 resp, with citation .  Press and Writers have paid 
glowing tributes saluting him and hailing him  as  , “ Noted Konkani activist”, 
 “ Konkani Mai loses a true patriot”  ,” Silent warrior of Roman Script”  , 
Illustrious crusader and patriot:   “  “ Silent worker”. ,” Cypriano a staunch 
supporter.  “Romi Lipi action front has lost its all-important right arm.”  
“God has given ..”God has taken away” “ Ek Bhangar monis”.  “ Ek nizacho 
Konkani Bhokt.”.. “Konkani bhaxek onath korun guello”.   Hence he was in the 
movements to spread Konkani in Romi  script and worked tirelessly to reach out 
to Romi Konkani populace far and wide. D.K.A organized a condolence meet on 15 
March 2016, largely patronized at which spokes persons were, Mr . Tomazinho 
Cardoz, Mr.Wilson Mazello, Dr Rafael Fernandes,, Mr.Michael gracias, Mr, 
Premand Lotlier among others. Both English and vernacular press gave extensive 
coverage after his demise paying rich tributes to his life achievements

“The mystery of life is measured by quality, impressions, one leaves, not by 
length of living”. ”The tribute to the dead is gratitude, not grief “.  “The 
Success of the play depends on how well the character has played and not how 
long he is seen on the stage” Cypriano is credited with expousing these 

He was a spiritual, devout person and he suffered his incurable illness with a 
smile, offering to his Creator his pains, believing in His will. He survived 
with hope Chemotherapy and a dangerous medical intervention. He received a 
stream of important visitors regularly at his residence. He passed away 
peacefully on 23/2/2016, His funeral was largely attended by dignitaries with 
funeral oratories and Eucharistic mass concelebrated by seven priests .Mr 
Cypriano by his contributions and activities has enhanced prestige and 
reputation of LOPES Clan.

 In order to archive his memories for posterity P.C Trust has brought out a 
souvenir on  23 .Feb 2018. It is  an unique privilege and honour for the first 
time ,for any known  individual from Chinchinim to date. The authors 
contributing articles, poems are Eng Fillipe Neri Rodrigues, Adv Rhadarao 
Gracias, Rev Dr Nelson  Sequeira, Mr Uday Kamat, Rev Fr Pratap Naik, Mr Wilson 
Mazarello, Mr Aurelio Viegas, Mr Michael Gracais Mr Fredrick Noronha,, Godwin 
Co operative Society Chairman, Mr Florian Lobo, Mr Neson Lopes and others

Cypriano wrote Living or dying makes no difference He will continue to live on 
our hearts and minds

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
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