Corruption in India is ubiquitous and may be broadly
classified as illegal and “legal”. This paper delves into the
typology of legal corruption, which, apart from abuse of
discretionary powers and tactical law and policymaking,
includes use of the information advantage by politicians
to make private gains. Analysing the growth rates in
assets of some politicians in the Mumbai Metropolitan
Region, it finds that they are much higher than the
market growth rate. The paper recommends enforcing
greater transparency by disseminating information on
all transactions conducted by politicians and
implementing broad-based reforms to bring about
system-wide changes....

Our findings suggest that growth rates of assets of politicians
in power exceed the market growth rate considerably. The
modus operandi used by these politicians to make gains may
be illegal (by violating laws) or legal. Illegal corruption is fairly
easy to identify and is a supervision and implementation prob-
lem, which while being difficult, is not complex. Since most
politicians are sensible enough to disclose only those assets
that have been acquired through legal means, the increase in
value of the assets (as given in the affidavits) does not show
the gains that may have been made illegally.32 Thus growth in
asset valuations must be due to practices that fall within the
ambit of legal corruption.


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