Legislators switching parties

The only defection law that can be effective is draw a legislation that
will deter such Aya Ram Gaya Ram will  not be tabled by any political party
to protect their own interest a simple and effective legislation  be” Any
legislator whether belonging to party or independent the moment he shifts
allegiance, resigns must be debarred immediately from holding any office
for  a period of 5 years  and even contesting  again, shall also lose all
previous privileges associated with it .The independents included shall not
align or cannot support any party .The present anti defection laws have
inbuilt safety valves ,to purposely facilitate defection and makes mockery
of such laws in force Once elected legislators are free to trade themselves
 and voters have to helpless viewers

The legislators find switching sides very lucrative business. They demand
ministerial berths jostling for power, position in addition to monetary
benefits of unimaginable proportions that change hands

The electorate cannot absolve itself from   this malaise and cancer, as
they are absolutely responsible.

How does a defector, even after resigning from party on whose ticket was
elected wins again on different party label by the very same electorate?
Instead of being rejected ,the voters side with him for whatever reasons,
they may be thus making a common cause with his motives to subvert legally
the democratic principle. The reasons, justification for change of parties
is hogwash and development is common thread. The State is also burdened
with unnecessary expenses in conducting fresh elections and such expenses
may also be recovered from those ,who force fresh elections .If only the
voters knew the monetary  benefits that accrue to the members, they would
be shocked. Without education, experience it is the best profession in
India today .The only remedy available with the voters is to constantly
change legislators, in spite of  tall promises full filled or waiting to be
full filled No party is willing to limit the term to maximum of two terms
They would wish to die with boots on

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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