Letter to Manohar Parrikar

Dear Manohar-bab,

Please resign, go away, and spend time with your family and grandchildren.

As your true friend I bring you some bad tidings, and a piece of unsolicited 

Your credibility is today in the toilet, your reputation stained, your legacy 
one of corruption and incompetence. 
The only people who believe what comes out of your mouth are your family, your 
chamchas, and a washed up drama queen who is internationally famous in 
Ghatkopar (W). You have lost the support of even your own bamon community, 
although most of its members will pretend to be your friends.
You wrecked Goa. To be sure, you didn’t do it alone. For decades the people we 
elected have let us down. In March 2012 you were given a mandate to correct 
course. It was the last gasp for Goa. But you continued to roll in the same 
Under your administration, Goa has been sold to the casino dons. You have shown 
no regard for Goa’s environment or for the well being of the common Goan. 
Because of you, pigs from Delhi now contaminate our villages and continue to 
gobble up scarce Goan real estate. Goa has attracted the WORST kind of Indians. 
We don’t get the best. Construction activity continues unabated displacing 
Goans, pricing them out of the homeland of their ancestors.
Law and order in Goa have hit another low. On every front, you have been a 
disaster. After such a wretched record, why do you want to stay on?
This is the right time for you to resign. The ONLY way your image will be 
rehabilitated is through the power of contrast. Goa is going to continue its 
slide into the bottomless Indian sewer. If you quit now, your successor 
politicians will muck up so badly that Goans may, in some years, regard your 
time in office as less harmful (as incredulous as that may sound). 
So take my well-meaning advice: throw in the towel and retire. You will be the 
better for it.



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