Mapusa  Nagrikancho  Ekvott
Adv. Antonio Lobo(Convenor) - C- 01, 1st floor, Saldanha Business Towers, Feira Alta, Mapusa-Goa
Ph: (0832) 2263284

Date: 18.05.2011

 The Chairperson,
 Mapusa Municipal Council
 Mapusa Bardez, Goa.

Dear Sir,
This has reference to our letter dated 23.2.2011 wherein we had brought to your attention that the names that the streets of Mapusa had earlier, are being changed without any consideration or respect for the personages after whom the said city streets were named. They are all Goan personalities who, due to their stature, were recognized and respected even by the colonial power. It is indeed sad that, either out of malice or ignorance, Goan names are being deleted or ignored when naming roads. MNE is awaiting a reply on the change of name made to the streets/roads such as the one passing the MMC building which bore the name of St. Francis Xavier and the one going from "dixticar house" to Dr. Olavo Ribeiro's hospital which bore the name of Msgr. Rodolfo Dalgado ( a Goan of tremendous repute and erudition) MNE wishes to bring to the attention of the MMC that no streets should be named in Mapusa until the citizens of Mapusa have been asked to provide information to the MMC about the old street names of Mapusa (this step is necessary as Mapusa Municipal Council has indicated that it does not possess records to indicate the old names of the streets of Mapusa city) and, in case, after such request, the public indicates the old names no other names should be given without first having a broad consultation with the population of the city by proper advertisements in the newspapers in both English and in other languages. Please note that decisions which reflect upon the culture of Goa and its important personalities requires consultation with the citizens of the city, specially of the older ones, as they are aware and more knowledgeable of history. Furthermore, we would wish to put forward the suggestion that the Mapusa Municipal Council pass a resolution that the properties bordering the Mapusa river from the point next to the Mapusa Church (Our Lady of Milagres) and up to the paddy fields lying behind the office of the Mamlatdar/Deputy Collector be reserved for a park where children and elders can take the air
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and/or go for walks without fear of being run-over by vehicles or trampled by cattle within the city. We also wish to remind you that our proposal for planting trees at our cost at a distance and in front of the re-aligned new shops in front of the taxi stand, and in line with the pavements existing, facing the market, has still not been processed by the MMC for reasons best known to it. Kindly let us know therefore whether our proposal is or is or is not acceptable once and for all instead of dilly-dallying over the subject.

Our further earnest request is that the MMC be shifted to the old structure which was earlier rented to the St. Mary's High School in Mapusa and which now stands abandoned and without maintainance, as the structure itself is of great architectural beauty and will enhance the importance of the MMC and the respect with which it is looked upon by the public. Moreover there is a lot of space for parking in front of the building and this is a plus point in favour of such a shift. Finally we wish to request that the new District Hospital be named as "New Asilo Hospital" as the said word "Asilo" is synonymous with the oldest hospital still in existence in Mapusa and is well known to the populations not only of Bardez but of the other talukas to the North of it. Once the hospital is shifted to new premises, the old hospital will be shut and consequently this name will disappear if not given to the new hospital.
We hope that out petition will merit your attention.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
(Adv. Antonio J.B. Lobo)

PS: A delegation of MNE shall be meeting the Chief Officer tomorrow, 19 May, 2011 at 11.00 a.m. Press and conscious citizenry of Mapusa is cordially invited to cover/witness this meet.

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