
Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
    of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
    http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
            references, some photographs and documents)


The Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott [MNE] has taken the decision to organize a
protest march on 15.04.2009 at 10.30 a.m. in Mapusa [starting near Asilo
Hospital-OPD]  to highlight the sham exercise carried-out by the authorities
with respect to the Outline Development Plan [ODP] for Mapusa city.

The City of Mapusa lacks proper roads, pavements, parking areas, parks,
sewerage, exhibition grounds, a decent auditorium etc. Instead of planning
for the present-felt needs and for the future orderly growth of the city,
what has been observed is that the ODP for Mapusa has suggested massive
conversions of land from agricultural to high-density commercial and
settlement zones, whereby construction is going to be authorized in paddy
fields where the water table is just below the surface, thereby eliminating
the possibility of having underground parking, without giving a thought to
the load that the present-day roads can take, without any provision for
green spaces and without considering that some of the residential areas have
many architecturally valuable houses which will disappear with the type of
zoning [C1] which has been envisaged in this ODP.

The people of Mupusa, in several representations, submitted their
objections, within the time limited for the purpose. Subsequently, a
committee composed of Mr. Halarnkar [MLA of Tivim] , Mr Francis D'Souza [MLA
of Mapusa], architect Ashley Mascarenhas and some other persons was
constituted by the government to hear the grievances, the objections and
suggestions of the public. At the time, this committee expressed their
complete unfamiliarity with the plan and suggested that the public give
them, in a summarized manner, what they wish the committee to do. This was
immediately provided by the MNE . However, soon thereafter, the members of
the MNE started hearing rumors that the zoning for Mapusa was up for grabs
and that it was being done in conjunction with vested interests, with
certain quid pro quo involved. For that reason the MNE delegation approached
the Chief Minister of Goa and apprised him of the situation and requested
that the ODP not be notified unless the modified draft ODP first be shown to
the MNE delegation. The Chief Minister made a note to the Town and Country
Planning Department [TCP] that the ODP prepared be show to the MNE, but this
never took place and the Chief Minister's order was defied. The MNE now
suspects that this was a ploy by the Chief Minister to placate the public in
order to forestall a protest. This conclusion was arrived-at as several
letters written to the Chief Minister informing him about the refusal of the
TCP to show the plan were ignored by the CM. After the notification, the MNE
noticed that more agricultural land has been included as high-density
commercial [C1] zones than those that had appeared in the original draft
plan. The MNE states that the so-called elected representatives and their
cronies in the building lobby are out to turn the open areas of Mapusa into
concrete jungles, which areas, if properly utilized, could have given Mapusa
a semblance of a planned, people-friendly city.

The 74th amendment to the Constitution has been incorporated so that cities
may be revitalized with people's participation. In this case, the ODP for
Mapusa has been prepared without even taking the elected members of the
Council into confidence. The ODP was finalized without a land use map having
been first prepared. how can such a plan be commented upon intelligently?
The MNE has now heard that some projects have been prepared for Mapusa by
SUDA and GSIDC - it is not known what these are. The MNE would like to tell
these authorities to publish the details of these projects so that the
public is made aware of the plans instead of being kept in the dark as is
the habit  nowadays. The public has a right to know and to give suggestions
or alternatives.

Let us have a democracy in its' true meaning and not as a slogan only. And
therefore, these are the reasons for the protest.

All Mapxemkars and Bardezkars are urged to show their solidarity with this
unique peaceful citizen's march to fill up fill up the city by joining this
symbolic march to show their dis-satisfaction with the planning of this very
important Mapusa city which houses the world famous 'Mapusa Market' and many
historical buildings and structures.


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