This letter is already published in Goan Observer today 11.4.2020
Please read you guys




I have been fighting resolutely in order that the Aadhaar card which
contains sensitive personal biometrics like Iris scan and finger prints be
not made mandatory for opening bank account, bank fixed deposit, demat
account for mutual funds and even for mobile connections. I went to the
extent of not linking my Aadhaar card to my bank account in the bank of
India, Panaji but the Manager of the bank told me that my money would not
be available for withdrawal from my saving account.
The Government of India under the NDA led BJP forced the RBI, the mutual
fund company, the share brokers and the mobile companies to make it
mandatories for every one to link not only the Aadhaar card but also the
Pan card. This decision makes me vulnerable to all my investment be
accessible to the Government.
The Supreme Court had ruled that the linking of Aadhaar card is not
mandatory for bank accounts, demat accounts, mutual funds and mobile number.
The SC also ordered that delinking of Aadhaar card be made. Everyone
followed the coercive rules of government against the will of the Supreme
court. As such, since Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India is now
trying to behave like a holier than thou individual, why is it that he does
not bare everything about himself to the people of India being a public
figure. His Aadhaar card, his Pan card and his election photo identity card
should all be linked. He is supposed to lead by example and not impose
arbitrary rules on others when he does not follow it himself. Why this
double standard?
Everybody who is learned knows that nuclear weapons may be used for war and
nuclear energy for power supply.
In like manner everything has dual use. Now more than ever the PM has to
shed being protective of himself and behave like a common man. He should
not wait for people to find out what he has hidden by resorting to RTI act.
He should definitely publish all his daily expenses on food, clothes,
traveling, security measures than foreign jaunts and his monetary
The linking of the Aadhaar card had bad intention if he were not to use
coercive means on the people, I would not have asked him to bare all.
NO double standard please!

Sent from my Samsung device

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