                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Dear Goans; Goa netters,

Against my reservations and/or doubts if the intended interview would take
place, it being a GOOD FRIDAY, I am happy to report that it did take place
as  rescheduled at the office of the Leader of the Opposition, Secretariat,
Porvorim, starting sometime at or after 7 p.m.and  taking all of 2 + hours
with a couple of well deserved breaks, mostly for Rajan to refurbish his
tonsils and for MP to get sufficiently recharged on his daily doze of

I am not very happy about being the only goanetter  around to give the 'shot
in the arm' to Rajan besides. Rajan would probably be a little less
comfortable in the company of a few BJP'wallas and the camera crew. I must
admit that Rajan has firmly cast his 'anchor' as far as anchoring goes, and
he has done a pretty good job of it too. He did persevere to complete the
whole routine at one go, without having to do it in parts. The only thing
that may be missed is the professional touch of recording a preamble after
every break and going on to continue with the rigours of the  questions and
answers. Knowing Rajan to be a perfectionist, he might have already
corrected the same through editing.

I am glad that I sacrificed lending my feeble helping hands to bring down
JESUS from the CROSS (which HE must be tired of, anyway) to lend moral
support  to Rajan as an active GOANETTER which was not entirely without
bonuses. I got my chance to tell MP a thing or two during the  short breaks
as regards his camera answers. I must admit that those 2+ hours were not
entirely fun as  neither MP was generous enough to quench the dry throats,
but also the airconditioning had to be put off during this entire ordeal as
it was making too much noise for the cameras to bear.

I must say that MP came through quite well thro' the ordeal of facing the
other side of the Parrikar line, but as a silent observer during the ongoing
session and not so silent observer during the breaks, I must admit that I
have agreed to disagree with MP on quite a few fronts. I will not want to
remove the 'shine' of the recording before it is ready to be posted  for
comments but I will indicate as to where and how I differ with the views
held by  MP.

MP: I had no experience in administration when I took over as CM.
FC:  Not required at all after having been MLA for so long. A person in CMs
chair need not be and cannot be a 'KNOW ALL' but must be a SOLOMON to take
the ultimate decisions from a plethora of advices/suggestions from experts.

MP: (Re: VCD)
FC: Cannot and will not go by what MP has said. He was the Education
Minister besides being the  CM. He should have known better than to push the

MP: Re: Curchorem riots.
FC: Agree with MP to a certain point.

MP: Re: reduced size of the Cabinet and intelligence of Ministers.
FC: Do not agree at all with MPs views.

MP: Re: Rave Parties.
FC: Do not agree at all.

FC: Do not agree. It could have been undertaken the following year on a
modest lines of IFFI-2007.

Well, well, well. As I have said earlier, I do not want to take the 'shine'
off the  recording before hand. The world of Goans must see if they agree or
do not agree with MP on various points. Re: MPs statement " People
considered me as a dictator when I wanted to put my foot down against
tolerating  nonsense" my advice to him (off the camera ofcourse) was that he
should have been more of a dictator than a climbing down parrot. As a
parting shot re the  topic of  sacking of Babush Monserrate as TCP minister,
this is what I have told MP and he has taken it smiling:

" Manohar, you must realise that you scored 100 points out of 100 with the
people when you sacked Babush. But you lost all those points plus many more
when you wanted to stay in power by sheer force.  You should have let
Congress form the government. The people of Goa would have brought you back
with double force. But instead, you are responsible for handing the
well-being of the Goan people in the hands of CORRUPT ; NO GOOD; VISIONLESS
Congress Stooges.

The End.

Here's wishing one and all a very happy EASTER


GOA needs a 'REVOLUTION' if it is to see better days.
Goasuraj is that revolution. Support it.
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