Major Indian literary works will be translated into Arabic
PANAJI - The Government of India has launched a project to translate major 
Indian literary works into Arabic, as part of India's cultural diplomacy in the 
Gulf region. In furtherance of this project an Arabic translation of the 
Bhagawad Gita will be released at the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair, which 
is being held later this month from March 17 to 22.
Edward Faleiro was speaking at the conclusion function of the two-week Arabic 
language course organised by Department of NRI Affairs and the Overseas 
Employment Agency of Goa, to improve the communication skills of the students 
and job seekers in the Gulf countries.
Around 10 students from Goa participated in the course. At the valedictory 
function the students thanked the Department of NRI Affairs and the overseas 
Employment Agency of Goa for organising such a purposeful course.
This course will improve the communication skills of Goan youth who go to the 
Gulf countries to seek jobs. It is always better that we know the language of 
the country where we go for employment.
The rapid rise of Asia has led major Western countries to provide facilities 
for learning Asian languages and understanding Asian culture.
In 2005, the United States Administration launched the National Security 
Language. Initiative to encourage systematic study of important foreign 
languages such as Hindi, Chinese and Arabic.
The cultural interaction between India and the Arab world has existed for 
several thousands years. The present numeral system (0 to 9) was originally 
defined by Indian mathematicians, transferred to North African Arab 
mathematicians and transmitted by them to Europe in the middle ages and 
thereafter these numerals spread around the world through European colonialism.
They are known as Arabic numerals everywhere but the Arabs themselves call them 
`Hindu numerals' he said and emphasised the need to further strengthen the 
relation between Arab countries for mutual benefit.
Ms Fatima Gomes, instructor of Arabic was present on the occasion.
John C De Silva, Vice Admiral (retd), welcomed the guests and U D Kamat, 
director of NRI Affairs proposed the vote of thanks. 
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