Samir Umarye

People from Morlem and Pelaodo in Keri Sattari, including 20 primary
students, have been facing a lot of hardship, as they have to risk
their lives while crossing a man-made wooden bridge.
The bridge, which is a link between Pelaodo Keri and Morlem, is being
used by about 20 primary students from Morlem everyday while
proceeding to the primary school located at Dhangarwada-Keri.
The bridge is dangerous for the children because it is made up of
small bamboos and there is no support to hold by the side. All the
children always risk their life while crossing the bridge under which
the current of the river is very fast.
“This is a usual affair during rainy season. Every year, the river
gets flooded and we have to build such temporary bridge for our
convenience,” Atmaram Morajkar from Pelaodo Keri told Herald.
“The locals collect the required material, including wood and coconut
trees, and make this bridge,” informed Morajkar.
In the absence of this bridge, people have to travel for about 5 kms
distance to go to the other village. This year, the locals have
constructed the bridge, but are still unsure till when it would last.
“The bridge is only temporary and is washed away during heavy rains,
even when the gates of the Keri dam are opened, the water rises and
our efforts are washed away,” said Morajkar.
“At times, the students have to miss the classes and the link between
the two villages is almost broken as the next link is another bridge,
which is about 5 kms away from the village,” he added.
The villagers have made several applications to the local panchayat
and also asked local MLA Pratapsingh Rane to solve the problem, but
all their pleas fell on deaf ears.
“We had given memorandum to the panchayat, but they are not interested
in the project and only provides Rs 1,000 for the construction of this
temporary bridge,” said Morajkar.
“If we ask the MLA, he refers us back to the panch members and tells
that it is their responsibility. They all are seen here only during
elections,” added Morajkar.
The demand of the villagers is construction of a small permanent
bridge. “We only demand for the construction of an iron bridge so that
the problem is solved permanently” stated Dasharath Morajkar.
“Now it is difficult for us to find the required material for the
construction of the bridge and the representatives including the panch
and MLA should act upon and stop giving assurances,” added Morajkar.

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