Margao post office dictat
Submit in person claims and withdrawals
Has the post  suspended messenger service. THE forms still do not suggest
The senior citizens in  this pandemic times are put to great disadvantage
and risk of infections  in a public place. Why not deposits be  also
accepted in person to discourage benami Transactions. ?    Have the postal
authorities imposed these unwarranted restrictions to discourage
investments in postal schemes?  If the Post doubts  the integrity,
credibility of agents  whom investors  trust  then terminate them. Agents
must provide  important services too and  not merely canvass new  business
.Claims and withdrawal for those elderly  senior citizens  are vital need.
. Is this so called  precautionary measure exclusivel to the head post
office  or the apprehension extended in general  without sanctions  of the
authority?   Frequent visits on maturity ,withdrawals are costly  as public
transport for senior citizens is undesirable and also very scarce
Issue  crossed cheques to confirm authenticity , utilise NEFT MODE ,or
check on phone as a double precautions the authencity  of messenger.
Restrctions on Cash transactions upto a defined limit is reasonable  but
not blanket ban. The answer to issue  of cheques is that it will take time.
Margao Post office is constantly in the news due to new unauthiorised fads
of some over cautious individuals
The Superintendent of Post  need to publicly declare  the clause of
messenger services even for approved  submission of due claims   or issue
cheques in all case  over certain amounts and for those who desire  as it
ensures safety and stops harassment of being presence in person,
Unless there is variation of signatures or reasonable doubts  red flags
should not be raised and act beyond authority
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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