Goa Bachao Abhiyan

77, Defence Colony, Alto Porvorim-Goa
Phone: 9767701245

14 October, 2010
The Chief Minister,
Government of Goa,

Due to the opposition of the people of Goa led by the GBA, the Government of Goa, then headed by Mr. Pratapsing Rane as CM, revoked the notified Regional Plan for Goa 2011 in February, 2007. The current Government of Goa set up a Task Force on RP 2021 first in October, 2007 and changed its terms of reference in February, 2008. A draft RP2021 was notified in October, 2008 and then State Level Committee was set up to finalize RP 2021 with inputs from village level committees. All the committees for RP 2021 have been headed ex-officio by the Chief Minister since October, 2007.

When the draft RP2021 was sent to the villages, the people of Goa made the effort to study it and gave their suggestions and comments trough the Village Level Committee on RP 2021 and the Gram Sabha meetings across Goa hoping that the RP2021 will stop the destruction of Goa and the necessary legislative changes would be made to make a people’s participatory plan legally binding on all.

However, the RP2021 is yet to be completed and no changes have been made in the laws in force to provide for participatory planning. In the meantime the destruction continues. On the contrary, retrograde changes have been made in the Goa TCP Act, 1974 to provide for PPP vide amended Section 16 & 16 A and the administration has notified the “Goa Land Development & Building Construction Regulations, 2010†last month to provide for 80 FAR across Goa when many villages have asked for a cap at 50 FAR.

Enough notice has been given to the elected Government of Goa and the Goa Administration. The people marched to the CM’s official residence on 04 March, 2010, and when no action was forthcoming, to the residence in Margao on 27 March, 2010. The CM has given an assurance on the floor of the Goa Legislative Assembly on 27 March, 2010, that the RP 2021 would be finalized in six months. This period has ended.

Repeated meetings have been held with the CM, Chief Town Planner [CTP] of Goa and other officials. A "structured meeting" was held on 21 April, 2010, with the then Secretary to CM and Secretary for TCP, Forests, WRD & Public Grievances,

A "Chain in the Rain" protest was held on 11 June, 2010, at Panaji, to highlight the Goa Government's failure to keep its promise.

Very little progress has been made and a lot of damage suffered by the people and ecology of Goa in the meanwhile. The continuance and growth of rampant illegal mining, hazardous industries in residential areas, destruction of traditional livelihoods like fishing and agriculture, demolition of houses, construction of big housing projects in villages , displacement of local residents in the name of development, non planned construction , denial of tribal rights by non implementation of Forest Dwellers Act 2006, no legislation for participatory planning, etc, are several issues relating to planning which is plaguing the state. People of Goa have patiently waited for promises and assurances given in the Assembly to be fulfilled.

In the wake of governance failure the people of Goa have decided to re-launch the agitation to get the just demands fulfilled.

Four common issues have been identified by the people after consultations held by GBA along with representatives of various groups to protect Goa for posterity.
We Demand

1. Notify VP3 status with 50 FAR in ALL the Villages that have opted for VP3 in the RP 2021. Where there is conflict between the Panchayat Body and the Gram Sabha, adhere to VP3 till the issue is resolved. 2. Notify all Eco-Sensitive Zones [ESZs] at least as shown in Draft RP 2021, like steep slopes, forested areas, paddy fields, mangroves, wetlands, lakes and ponds and protect them form "development". 3. Implement the High Court order prohibiting "development" of multi-dwelling units till the infrastructure is in place [roads, electricity, drainage, garbage disposal, etc] All files with proposals for development without satisfying the above directive is in contempt of the court and should be returned to the applicant, NOT sent to TCP Dept for NOC. 4. Legislate and amend Acts for participatory planning and development which is in consonance with Article 243 of the Constitution of India after the 73rd and 74th amendments to it. The Participatory Planning Process [people's PPP] must have a legal basis In the event appropriate notifications are not issued and published in the Official Gazette of Goa by the end of 15 days from today, ending 29 October, 2010, to provide for Sr. 1 and 2 above and if no orders are issued to the District Collectors and TCP Dept to enforce the Court orders on infrastructure and if the first meeting of the Committee set up for review of Goa TCP Act, 1974, is not held, then the people of Goa will do what is necessary to effect a change in Governance and Government as may be necessary.

This we assure you.
Dr. Sabina Martins
Convener GBA

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