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Mermaid Nipple Advisory
Mischief, artistic interpretation, bad taste or pure ignorance?
By Cecil Pinto

An easily excitable female friend phoned me up last week in quite an
agitated mood. "Have you seen what they have done to the mermaid?" she
screeched, "And specially her nipples?! She's now a pink skinned
European with the dark brown nipples of an Indian!" Having seen the
mermaid in question myself recently, I quite understood my friend's
distress. A bit of historical background first.

In the late 1930s the Director of Health Services in Goa was Dr.
Froliano D'Mello, acknowledged as a truly great Goan. Dr. Froliano was
also a Member of the Portuguese Parliament and had attended a
conference in Lourenço Marques (now called Maputo), the capital of
Mozambique. He was so entranced by the beautiful city that on his
return to Goa he wrote two articles in a local newspaper Herald (not O
Heraldo) about how Pangim city should also be similarly beautified.
The Portuguese Governor (128th to be precise) at the time, Jose
Ricardo Pereira Cabral, read these articles, summoned Dr. Froliano and
appointed him the President of the Pangim Municipality. "You want
Pangim to be beautiful then make it beautiful yourself!" Armed with
authority and resources Dr. Floriano went on a beautification spree.
This was in 1940.

There was a sort of square for buses and cars (Praca de Camionetas)
sandwiched between Rua de 4 Abril and Rua de Joao de Crasto, just
before the Palacio do Idalcao and behind what used to be the River
Navigation (Navegacao Fluvial) Department. Dr. Froliano ordered this
'praca' to be shifted to the area near the old PWD headquarters. He
then created a garden at the place with lawns, hedges, trees and
benches. To top it all off he got installed a mermaid fountain in

This last act lead to a bit of controversy, with the more orthodox
Pangim residents casting aspersions on Froliano's character. They
wondered aloud whether he was going through some middle age crisis and
had hence installed a statue of a voluptuous mermaid to stir his
libido. The controversy died off and the mermaid remained. History and
Sex – I'm beginning to sound like Mario Cabral e Sa.

Over the years the Mermaid Garden, as it came to be known, fell into
disrepair but in 2002 was refurbished by the Panjim Municipality,
enthusiastically aided by heritage lovers and architects. It remains a
lovely place for city dwellers and visitors to relax at any time of
the day. The mermaid faces what was at one time the seaward entrance
to the city. Over the decades the mermaid statue has been repainted
many times, most often fully white. In its latest avatar, immediately
preceding IFFI 2006, some inspired painter made her hair jet black,
her skin pink, her fish-scales grey, her bellybutton maroon, her lips
ruby red and, worst of all, her nipples dark brown! Now quite frankly,
unlike my distressed female friend, I have no problem with artistic
license. But let's first understand how a mermaid's nipples are
popularly represented.

In most Indian fountain statues the mermaid is a fusion of a buxom
apsara and a fish - with a pot thrown in to act as the water outlet.
At Green Park hotel there is one such  fountain. The Shakuntala
fountain in Mapusa, though not a mermaid, is similar. In both cases
nipples are visible but the entire statue is painted white, with no
distinguishing shade for the nipples.

The most famous mermaid statue in the world is the Little Mermaid in
Copenhagen which is made of metal, hence not painted at all. The
Little Mermaid symbolizes the fairy tale by Danish author and poet
Hans Christian Andersen. The post-pubescent breasts of this classic
mermaid are more in keeping with the sixteen year old of Anderson's
tale. Christened Ariel in the sanitized Walt Disney film adaptation in
1989, she was given a cute 'shell bra' but still  has the dubious
honor of being the first Disney 'Princess' designed and animated in a
way that shows off the lines of her cleavage.

But enough of the Little Mermaid. The generic mermaid of cross
cultural legends has a certain mystery surrounding her sexuality. On
the one hand she is depicted as a seductive temptress of sailors, on
the other hand she is portrayed as being asexual and in fact virginal.
Thus her nipples (a symbol of overt sexuality - if you will) would be
concealed by her hair, water weeds or shell bras. She was often
depicted either without nipples, or with nipples having no
differentiating shade from the rest of the breast.

All depending of course on the culture and context in which she was
being represented, as the myth of the mermaid (and mermen) is almost
universal. In Europe we have the Celtic selkie, the morgens of
Brittany, the German nixie, the Norwegian havfrau, the veen of
Finland, the tritonids and nereids of Greece, the vedava of Eastern
Europe… The mermaids and water spirits of East Asia and Africa follow
similar universal themes but play somewhat different roles in their
cultures, in part due to differing attitudes toward sexuality.

Indian women in particular deny the existence of their nipples. In a
Bollywood movie a woman might display wondrous heaving breasts, and be
soaked with sweat or drenched with rain but, miracle of miracles, nary
a nipple will ever be visible through the wet garment. Exposure of
cleavage is considered acceptable but leave alone exposure of, even
hinting at the existence of nipples is considered vulgar. Forget Sania
Mizra, take even erotic sculptures in temples. Women will be shown in
the most convoluted of sexual acts but their breasts will be sans

The classic mermaid joke tells of how a wizened fisherman finds a
voluptuous mermaid in his net. He hauls her abroad and after a little
petting throws her back into the sea. His assistant asks him "Why?" He
replies, "How?" Taking the logic a bit further, if mermaids don't have
obvious organs of reproduction it stands to reason they should not
have nipples either - at least not very oddly coloured and contrasting

There are at least eight major attempts at desecration of the Little
Mermaid statue in Copenhagen, from painting on bras and knickers, to
sawing off her head completely. Fortunately here in Goa we are a
civilised society and the only desecration of our mermaid statue is by
the authorities themselves, aided by a painter with no taste. He's
probably the same dimwit who gave zagor-istic colours to the centuries
old all-white cherubic angels on the façade of the Pomburpa church. I
appeal to the councilors of the grandiose sounding Corporation of the
City of Panaji to restore our city's mermaid to her single-colour
glory. And in future keep your hands off her breasts!

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 22nd Feb 2007

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