No place in Goa better encapsulates the state's despoiled, criminally
squandered realities than the formerly pristine arc of sands
stretching from Campal to Caranzalem. An iconic location and cultural
lodestone, this is where tens of thousands gather to hear the
legislative election results. Miramar is a magnet for locals and
tourists alike. It is Panaji's most vital lung for fresh air and cool
ocean breezes, and also ancient gateway to the fabled port upriver.
Here the Arabian Seameets the Mandovi/Mhadei, the taproot of Goan

But walk the timeless vista any evening towards sunset, and only
degradation comes to mind. Garbage is strewn everywhere and the river
water distinctly stinks of sewage. Tourist boats blaring Bollywood
music churn right onto the sands, disgorging crowds of the
lowest-value tourists, who are taking advantage of ultra-cheap quick
spins around the bay. There's zero infrastructure, so lines of
(inevitably Indian) men head straight to the vegetation to urinate.
Vendors now sell snacks and bottled water right near the waterline,
all the debris is dumped directly underfoot. Touts lead throngs to
trample over the last precious patches of green.

Just above the sands, is another glaring symbol of the gross
fraudulence perpetrated in plain sight in Goa today. The perfectly
adequate (very recently re-tarred), tree-lined and scenic road
connecting Gaspar Dias to Dona Paula was egregiously dug up almost
three years ago, ostensibly to concretize and complete within a few
months. But deadline after deadline passed, and the alleged
improvement is still nowhere near complete. Now it's clear nothing
promised (international-standard bike-lanes, a generation of
durability) will ever be delivered. Meanwhile, the project cost has
soared to Rs100 crores.

Cross further to fill your eyes with more unavoidable reminders of Goa
gone awry. There is rampant real estate construction, which has taken
over the sea-facing precincts of Taleigao and Caranzalem. Here are
unbroken ranks of apartment complexes built right on top of fields,
wetlands, inlets and drainage channels. Where rainwater once streamed
directly to the ocean, now it sits stagnant. Sewage constantly
overflows into the drinking supply, because all the new construction
is slapdash and unregulated and there are no adequate treatment plans.
All the wells that served these areas are irredeemably contaminated.
Malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases are increasingly common.

Back to the waterline, where it takes only a few minutes to note much
else has gone terribly wrong. Vast swathes of sand are blackened with
discharge from ships far at sea, and also from the rapidly
proliferating rash of dirt-cheap Miramar tour boats. Piles of
jellyfish are washed ashore, an inescapable indication of oxygen
depletion in the ocean, itself a direct result of sewage dumping. The
National Institute of Oceanography has repeatedly warned all that
coastal waters of the state are unsafe because of municipal dumping of
wastes. But there are individual culprits too: a pipe leading out from
the Marriott has stained the sand with effluent, right down to the

There are many parts to the Miramar problem. But all lead to the
inexorable conclusion underlying every other major predicament that
besets Goa. It is comprehensive failure of governance, compounded by
free-for-all lawlessness. There is impunity for everyone, from the
architects of "infrastructure improvement" scams to the "make money
while the sun shines" irresponsible real estate developers to the
cheap-tour boat operators who blast music past every legal level, and
hand over plastic bottles to their clients who then throw them
straight into the water. There are no penalties for destroying
vegetation, or using the bushes as a giant open-air toilet, or for
littering anywhere and everywhere.

In any other major tourism destination in the world, everyone up to
the chief minister would lose their jobs for what has happened to
Miramar. But in Goa there are no consequences. Captain of Ports gave
permission for cheap-tour boats to ply right off the beach without any
concern for adequate infrastructure, toilets, garbage, preservation of
the last patches of green. The tourism department actively encourages
the least-value tourists to visit Miramar, with zero planning or
facilities that could alleviate their disproportionately high impact.
The magnates whose real estate and hospitality facilities exist
parasitically off Miramar's natural resources actively destroy,
instead of enhance or improve.

Just like the canary in a coal mine, the choking demise of the
once-magnificent Miramar beach indicates a doleful reckoning facing
the entirety of Goa. Person for person, Panaji is one of the richest
and best educated cities in the entire subcontinent. It is home to a
stream of the highest profile national cultural events, which calendar
kicks off with this month's International Film Festival of India. With
that profile, with all its advantages, if this city cannot protect its
environment's crown jewel from shameful ruination, there is no hope
for any other place in the state.

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