Mitt. mitt, mitt

What is 'mitt'?
Salt (Sodium Chloride, table salt), namak (Hindi), Sel/Sal (French/Portuguese).

This time around (April), many pick-up (tempo) are seen in the villages & 
remote areas with
ladies shouting 'mitt-mitt-mittt' (also some would sound their tempo horn 
repeatedly will the
foll. tempo ' pip-pip, pi-pi-pip'. They were none other than 'salt vendors' 
coming usually
from Batim (near Goa-Velha, Curca). They would sell salt in bulk quantity and 
their unit of
measurement was large tin (rectangular) as in large Marie biscuits tin, packed 
tins of various
oils etc( about 15kgs wt). Most house holds would  buy salt in large quantity 
say 7 tins which
would last them until next season.  Whereas, landlords used to buy upto 25 tins 
as they would
require it to use as manure for their coconut trees etc and they often got it 
at discounted

There was another lady who used to come periodically but she would sell in 
smaller quantity
and her unit of measurement was 'poll' a round tubular wooden unit and the same 
unit 'poll'
still used by our 'chonnekars' and 'Tisrio' sellers etc. A 'poll' would mean 
about less than
1kg salt. The lady woudl go round shouting something like this 'ohhh mitt gho'  
see pic
'Polli' and other units are seen here

During my school time, I remember there was a lesson on our konkani (devnagri) 
book and titled
(i think) 'Mitta Agor'
Where uncle 'Inas' (Inacio) takes young kids to tour a local salt pan. And 
during the final
exams, one of the sure questions was 'Mitt koxem toyar zata?' (How salt is 
obtained?) Where we
had to give about 10 lines answer giving the procedure...'Doriachem udok 
dovortat... uprant...duvem ful mitt toyar zata' and this ans, was woth 10 marks.

Yet, there was another story (biblical i think) where the king call all his 
sons and ask them
'how much they loved him' but when it comes to the last the youngest son's 
turn, his answer
was 'I love you  as dear as salt' to which the father (king) become angry and 
orders to kill
him but his soldiers had pitied on him and instead took him far away out side 
kingdom/country took all  his clothes and left him in a deserted place.  One 
the son becomes a
king and send an invitation to his old father (king) and ordered his servant to 
everything but without salt.  His father comes and complains about the saltless 
food, son
explains...and the father then realises the meaning of loving some one 'as dear 
as salt'

What else you remember about the salt or 'mitt' ?
Mitta Far (salt gun?)
Mitta Agor (Salt Pan)
Mitta foll (raw mangoes etc preserved in a jar with salt water) 
see pic 'Buyanv"
Mitta Burkulo (earthen pot for storing salt, usually near cooking place using 
Mitta Kan (A large tubular bulk storage container (usually made from coconut 
tree lower stem
Mitt unvallop (superstitious belief - pinchfull of salt (& dry chilies) taken 
two round
clockwise and one anti clockwise over one's head (usually children) to drive 
away evil eye)
Mittak lai/mar (preserve with salt)
Mittan dant gansop (Brushing teeth)
Mittani (a game)
Kattuk (too salty)
Suklo Kharem (Salted/dry fish)
Oinnem (saltless rice/dish)
Mitta gollgollo (gobble/rinsing with salt water -for Oral infection, 

What else is salty?
Human sweat, tears, urine
Sea/river water
Salt fish

Never lend or give money or needle or  rice or Salt at night (another 

Ok, here is some more of home work for you guys:
Pick up one correct answer from the bracket:

Q1: What is the taste of 'Potassium Cyanide'
(A. Sweet  B.Sour. C.Salty  D. None)

Pl. if you don't know, Pl don't try it at home.

Q2: How much do you love your wife/husband ?
    or how much you love me?
A. As dear as Gold  B. ada  Pounds/Dollars  C: ada God  D: ada Salt   E. ada Dog

Please don't call me 'Namak-haram'
Any body watched Amitab's film 'Namak- Halal?

A photo (Salt pan)

Video clip (salt pan and peole at work) 1.5 mins

  for Goa & NRI related info... 
Konkani Songs, Goan Photos, Tiatr/Film VCDs, Bank interest rates etc etc
   (for updates etc click below)

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