The Gram Sabha which was held on Sunday was full of excitement and drama
and I'm surprised that more people did not attend. Maybe people feel it is
all talk and no action.

It started with the reading of the Minutes of the last meeting. Sarpanch
Oswald Cordeiro intervened immediately after the reading by pointing out
that after the last meeting where the Gram Sabha had demanded that more
vegetables should be sent to Moira to the Goa Horticultural outlets, he
said that he and his Panchayat colleagues had managed to convince the Govt.
to send a truck of vegetables exclusively to Moira twice a week. A round of
applause was given to this announcement. However the fact remains that the
amount of vegetables sent to the shops in Moira are still insufficient.

Then there was a long hungama regarding the survey that had been asked for
by the last Gram Sabha to determine who exactly were the residents of
Moira. Sarpanch Oswald was a bit tongue tied regarding this issue and said
that more time was needed to complete the survey. But Marshall D'Mello,
Agnelo Lobo and others demanded to know what exactly was the problem. They
stated that if one did not know who were the residents it was possible that
criminal elements would be entering the village.

The Secretary Arjun Velip had to explain that a circular had been sent out
asking for people to carry out the survey but even after the last date of
the call for applications there were none. (I remember Venita Coelho had at
the last GS said that she would get people to do the survey but I didn't
mention this as I didn't want to embarrass her. It's more than I could
expect from her.)

Anyway Secretary Velip was forced to admit that a group of youngsters with
10th to 12th Standard pass qualifications were recruited and they did
present a report but since it was found to be faulty it has not been
tabled. He said that according to Panchayat records they expected a
population of some 4500 to be shown but the survey results showed only some
3500 which suggested that a lot of people had not been recorded. The GS was
quite annoyed with this but the Sarpanch was allowed another opportunity to
present the survey results at the next GS.

Daniel Lobo brought up an issue at this stage itself that on Republic Day,
26 January, a public holiday, Secretary Velip was seen conducting an
inspection on an illegally constructed garage. Velip angrily replied that
he was not on official duty, and it was his right to go wherever and
whenever to whichever place he wanted to.

A lady from Calizor Sandra (I think D'Mello's) mother pointed out how she
was ready to give land and demolish an illegal construction on her own
property, near Lourdes's Chapel  and at the same time requested that the
Panchayat see that she was given access to her property.

The next item of the agenda were the development projects proposed by the
villagers. There were the usual claims made by people usually for their own

There was a long discussion on the issue of the stray dog menace which
evoked strong emotions. To cut it short, a woman from Sataporio whose name
was Adeline Whitaker, if I heard right, said she was a founder of
International Animal Rescue and had started a centre in Saligao, and she
was a member of PETA and so on said that she was willing to take on strays
and neuter them and put them up for adoption.

Florian Lobo (FL) started screaming that these NGOs take money from Govt.
agencies and after neutering left them back in the same localities. Ms
Whitaker explained that she would take a lot of trouble catching the strays
and after the dogs she would neuter them and then put them up for adoption.
FL screamed that she would just be leaving them back into the same places
and that they should be shot.

In some ways what FL says seems sensible. But what he does not understand
is that if dogs are shot (which is what he wants) then a new set of dogs
and bitches quickly come to replace them because the buildings which spawn
them like Shambhuraj Apts and Lobo Residency have residents who have waste
food which they want to feed to strays.

What FL also does not understand is that if strays who have been neutered
and vaccinated for rabies are left in the same environment then the risk of
dangerous rabid dogs are reduced and also that the neutered dogs and
bitches do not allow any further breeding in the area. Anyway the Whitaker
lady's passionate pleas for support which included assertions that dogs
were God's creatures and we had no right to kill them were accepted.

The proposals which Pio Sequeira had suggested and which I had forwarded to
the GS also came up. These were:


   Road Markers/Speed Breakers or Rumblers – with increased traffic it is
   very difficult to cross from one side of the road to the other at Anant
   Raikar House as also near the St Xaviers High School

The response to this was that it was acceptable but provided that speed
breakers with a gentle slope and not rumblers (which damage vehicles) were
installed. A lot of other wards also pointed out where speed breakers were


   Drainage – With rain waters gushing down from higher levels of ground to
   lower levels need for gutters to connect to existing gutters so that the
   water flows to Borvond Waddo which is supposed to be ground water
   reservoir. At Pirazona with the new construction on the hill facing Panarim
   a lot of water and mud gushes down on to the road with no control

Response: Borvon Vaddo is in Nachinola and hence there is a question of
jurisdiction. I said that there is a need for coordination between Moira
and Nachinola Panchayats for good drainage systems to be constructed. I'm
not sure if they understood the problem regarding the big house opposite
George and Mathilda's house in Pirazona which is being constructed for
quite a number of years now.



      Market for farm producers sitting near the Moira Soppo – a lot of
      vegetables/fruits is sold by small farmers sitting by the
roadside with no
      shade during summer/rainy season.
      Request – proper sitting arrangement/shades so there is no traffic
   congestion The response to this was that the Panchayat was agreeable but I
   think they had problems wrt funds.
   2.  Ramps for Tractor/Small Vehicles to collect Paddy from the fields on
   either side of the road for the tractor/vehicles to get into the fields
   on either side some ramp arrangement needed also to enable transport
   vehicles to load the paddy after harvest

The response was that this was agreeable and several other villagers
pointed out that such ramps were needed in different parts of the village.
Sarpanch asked villagers for places where the ramps should be constructed
and proposals would be sent to the authorities.

Perhaps Pio or Benito Maciel could help identify the places for the ramps
in Pirazona and Novo Portugal so that the information could be supplied to
the Sarpanch


    "Garbage – perennial problem everywhere that needs resolution

Request – Panchayat to arrange collection/picking up of garbage/plastic by
placing garbage notified areas for dumping of garbage which needs to be
collected regularly Test Case – check the garbage bins provided by Goa
Suraj Party near the Xaviers High     School which seems to be working  as
a private initiative to be replicated in other areas"

 I couldn't quite follow what the response was in this case.


   Grass/Weeds overgrown over the monsoon period with no cutting/cleaning
   that it becomes difficult to walk through these areas

The Sarpanch said that the grass was already cut once but it had grown
again and there was no provision to do it again. Floriano Lobo said that
people should try and at least clean the areas around their houses.

 Among the other items discussed were the problem of thefts of vehicles and
petrol pointed out by Vizilia D'Sa. Also that at some places like behind
the Moira Primary school and the Sataporio chapel, youths would gather
there and drink alcohol and possibly take drugs. The Sarpanch said that
police was informed and they would patrol the places for a week or so and
then stop. After this the activities of the youths would start again.

There was a discussion about the auction of shops in the Panchayat building
but I didn't wait for it.



Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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