From Portuguese India,  1498-1739.
  By Luis Assis Correia.
       In Bombaim, the village of Cavel was the 
first centre of Christianity. Cavel is the Portuguese
rendition of Kolwar 'a Koli hamlet,' inhabited by thye Koli tribe, who were 
converted by the Franciscans.
Through their education, they served in the Portuguese administration, and 
after the cession of Bombaim to the English in 1665, became servants
to the East India Company.
   Their parish church was Nossa Senhora de Saude
on the Esplanade: it helped our school cricket, Rolly
A second church, Esperenca, was built at Buleshvar. Two more followed , Miguel 
at Mahim and Salvacao at Dadar. The one at Parel was turned into a residence 
for the English Governor of Bombay.
  In 1772 a East India Company decree directed all 
Portuguese priests to "remove themselves from the Island of Bombay." Governor 
Charles Boone closed all Catholic schools. Franciscan educated Luso-Indians 
then educated the poor in their homes.
  Padre Francisco Xavier visited the city in 1544. The second was in 1548.
  Simao Botelho notes that "Mombaym" was alloted to one Mestre Diogo for only a 
few pardaos in quit-rent to the Royal Treasury in 1544. In 1548, it was granted 
to Garcia da Orta who had been the physician to the Viceroy Dom
Mascarenhas in Goa.

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