Aries Rodrigues take on the issue has really got me floored.  Regarding
Modi, it is only a handful of people in the top leadership of the party that
does not want him to take centre-stage. The very same analysts who have
interpreted this as a split in the party, also say that the leaders and
workers in the second-rung and below are overwhelmingly in favor of Modi.  I
really wonder how Aries is supporting a patently anti-democratic move by
Modi. Just yesterday, one among those handful, Uma Bharati, wrote to party
president apologizing for her absence and said any decision taken at the Goa
meet would have her "prior support."

Regarding his comment about support from the people for Modi, I think
opinion polls all over are unanimous of the ground swell in his favor.

And the support that Aries is making of Advani is truly outstanding! I think
he should re-read what he has posted.

Best regards,

U. G. Barad.

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