English feud at graft meet

Remo, Marathi 'heroes' in war of words

PANJIM: The India Against Corruption meeting which was meant to be a
culmination of the day-long fast held to protest the Government’s
midnight action against Baba Ramdev turned into a slinging match over
the language issue.

Renowned singer Remo Fernandes, who has to his credit "Konkani amchi
mai bhas, tich kor-ia raj bhas", first courted controversy by asking
politicians not to fight against English rather to fight against
corruption which is even a bigger issue.

However, he enraged emotions even more when he named Sashikala
Kakodkar and Manohar Parrikar.

"Politicians are using the issue to divide us. Let us not allow
ourselves to be divided. It comes as no surprise that Shashikala
(Kakodkar) is doing this. Even when she was in power she used politics
for division. But I was surprised that a respectable man like Parrikar
who I can call my friend and who is an excellent administrator is
fighting against English", Remo said.

Pro-Marathi protagonists -- who look at the demand for grants for
English and those who demand it as anti-national -- rose to their feet
interrupting his speech asking him not to raise the language issue at
an anti-corruption meet.

Leading them was freedom fighter Naguesh Karmali. He accused Remo of
destroying the culture.

Calm was restored after Remo avoided the issue and only spoke against
the division of society by politicians.

"If we are both against corruption, we cannot be fighting each other.
It is this division that politicians want. We have to fight the common
enemy that is corruption", Remo stressed.

When Karmali took the stage, he chided Remo for bringing the issue up
"without reason" and that he strongly holds on to his views on
language and culture.

Supporting him was the compere Sagar Jawadekar who claimed the
language was a bigger issue of protection of one's culture and that
some writers were bold enough to return their awards in a bid to
protect their culture.

Adv Satish Sonak quoted Dr Ram Manohar Lohia who said that it is
because all our bureaucratic language is in English, people who fully
do not know English cannot understand what is going on making them not
understand what is going on and not ask questions, which is said was
part of the larger fight against corruption.


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Times News Network

Panaji: Language controversy sparks few at a public meeting in Panajim
in support of Anna Hazare's call against corruption. The meet,
organised to protest the eviction of Baba Ramdev from the Ramlila
grounds in New Delhi on Saturday, saw a heated argument between pop
star Remo Fernandes and freedom fighter Nagesh Karmali on Wednesday.

Speaking at the meeting, Remo said when Baba Ramdev was attacked,
people screamed in different languages. He added that the country
should be united in the fight against corruption, no matter what
language they spoke.

"While I understand Tai's (Shashikala Kakodkar) stand, as she has
always maintained it, I don't understand why leaders like Manohar
Parrikar, from whom I have a lot of respect, is against the English
language," Remo said, adding that he loved Konkani.

Stressing that language is not a divisive issue, Remo said politicians
were using language to divide the people.

At this point, he was interrupted by Goa, Dama and Diu Freedom
Fighters' Association president Nagesh Karmali, who was annoyed that
Remo had raised the language issue at the forum. Retired chief town
planner S P Deshpande too urged Remo not to raise the languag eproblem
and stick to the issue they had gathered for.

India Against Corruption Goa coordinatory Satish Sonak then asked
Karmali and Deshpande to take their seats and allow Remo to express
his opinion, assuring the duo they would get a chance to speak.

Remo stated he was not for or against any language. He said he is
often misunderstood and madeit clear that he hs nothing against any
language. He urged others to join in the fight against corruption,
irrespective of language or religion.

While Karmali took the dais he said, "I have a lot of respect for a
great stage artiste like Remo, but do know that as much as that may be
his opinion, there are thousands and lakhs of people agitating over
this issue." He opined that he was "100% against English" as the
medium of instruction.

Sonak said when the language of money speaks, other languages fall
silent. Touching on MoI, he said it is best to fight corruption in the
people's language.

When contacted by reporters later, Remo said, "I have to attend a
doctor's appointment", and mentioned he was not in the country during
the Anna Hazare-led nation-wide agitation in April but was updated by
text messages. He urged the media to support the fight against
corruption. --FNN

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