GU sub-committee submits report in ragging complaints

While the report of the Prevention of the Sexual Harassment Committee
is likely to be delayed further, the sub-committee appointed to do
some fact finding in the ragging complaints made by students of the
Political Science Department at the Goa University submitted its
report on Monday.
Registrar GU M M Sangodkar said the sub-committee submitted the report
to him and the Vice-Chancellor and the same has been handed over to
the chairman of the Anti-Ragging Committee.
When asked to comment on the fact findings mentioned in the report,
Sangodkar said it wouldn’t be correct on his part to comment on the
contents before the Anti-Ragging Committee does a thorough examination
of the same in its meeting.
On the question of when the Anti-Ragging Committee would give its
final verdict on the sub-committee’s fact findings, he replied, “We
are expecting the verdict before the Executive Council meeting takes
place on May 9. In case the committee requires more time then it will
have to communicate the same to the EC.”
When asked to comment on the date on which the Prevention of Sexual
Harassment Committee would submit its final report, Sangodkar
answered, “It is likely the committee requires more time. However, it
has not communicated to us. It will have to come to the EC.”
The Anti-Ragging Committee and the Prevention of Sexual Harassment
Committees are probing into complaints made by students of the
Political Science Department which have alleged sexual harassment at
the hands of the HoD of the said department.
The university said even though the sexual and ragging charges were
interlinked both were being probed independently by the two
committees. It said the matter would be laid threadbare once both the
committees give their respective verdicts.
Some of the students have alleged the HoD, who has denied all charges
made against him, had forced them to file the ragging complaint to
divert the focus into the sexual harassment case.

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