Goa's pioneer industrialist and mining magnate, Shri Vishwasrao D. Chowgule,  
passed away peacefully this morning 4th October, 2008 at 0800 hrs at his 
residence in Baina Vasco-da-Gama Goa. He was 93 years old (25th August, 1915. ) 
He leaves behind his three sons and three daughters and grandchildren..  The 
cremation will take place at Gadegal Sancoale at the family burial grounds at 
1700 hrs this evening.

Beginning life as a tally clerk in the Port town at Mormugao Harbour before the 
second World War, the Chowgules' who hail originally from Kolhapur in the State 
of Maharastra,  began their innings in Goa in early 1916 with late Dattajirao 
Nathaji Chowgule his father setting a small trade in Goa.  

Late Vishwasrao a nonegenarian who was the Chairman of the Chowgule Group of 
Companies was involved in exports, mining shipping, shipbuilding, manufacture 
of salt,  educational institutions, sports club etc  was the last stalwart 
among the famous V's that dominated the Goan economy right from pre Liberation 
days till date.  They  included late Vassudev M Salgaoncar, of the Salagaocar 
Group of Companies and late Vasantrao S Dempo of the Dempo Group of Companies 
all involved in mining and exports.  Yet another V was the automobile dealer 
Joshi from Vasco-da-Gama.  

His contribution to Goa was remarkable, though a non-Goan. 

Unfortunately if any national award was conferred on any individual who 
contributed to the economy of Goa, that credit ought to have rightly gone to 
late Shri Vishwasrao D Chowgule, and none other for he had many firsts to his 
credit.  The pelletisation plant, the internationally acclaimed "Chowgule 
formula" synonymous with the mining and its exports with countries like Japan 
etc, the first College in Goa, sports arena first Konkani daily Uzvadd and 
Marathi daily Gomantak and many others.

late Shri Chowgule was a strict disciplinarian and was a true statesman

The empire that he leaves behind in the hands of his successor, was 
singlehandedly created by him, though his brother late Yeshwantrao D Chowgule 
who passed away suddenly three years ago (5.7.2005) assisted him to a good 
extent, at a time when the Goa's freedom struggle would have otherwise made it 
difficult for persons of non Goan origin to set up such an empire or venture 
into mining and its exports.

Since  pre-Liberalisation the Chowgules' managed to retain the industry in 
private hands till date and performed creditably to the benefit of the States 

In his death the State has lost a pioneer statesman whose pragmatic views and 
sound understanding of international economy was astounding considering his 
humble education viz a mere matriculate. 

All establishments of the Group held condolence meets this morning according to 
reports receuved by this writer and then closed  as a mark of respect and to 
pay homage to the memory of their departed leader. 

from the Mormugao  end  

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS) 

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