I have poured scorn on Nehru in these columns for decades. I am now willing to 
reassess and give himsome benefit of the doubt, in the light of recent 
develpoments in India.     Not too many realize that kshatria kings simply did 
not trust baniya desert tribals. The finance ministerwas inevitably a brahmin. 
The Nehrus were hereditary prime/finance ministers of Kashmir.     One could be 
sent to prison for espousing Marxism in Britain.  That sick creed thrived at 
Cambridge in theearly decades of the last century, only it had be underground. 
Nehru was a confirmed fellow traveller. Morarjiand Vallbhai Patel attempted to 
sidetrack him in party forums, unsuccessfully.   Ideology and kleptocracy left 
the country in shambles and LalBahadur was well on his way repairing thedamage 
when the Russians murdered him.      The baniya financed BJP put them in the 
drivers seat and the results are only too plain for all to see.The list of 
twenty names of men who have raped the banking system only features them.  What 
were oncevenerable institutions are now reduced to bank signboards with no 
assets to disburse.    Crony capitalism is the best we can hope for, it seems.

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