A cartoon featuring Sharad Pawar has caught the attention of the world after 
the police tried to browbeat its creator into taking it off the Net.
Satish Acharya's cartoon of Pawar satirises the Maharashtra politician's 
declaration of wealth at just Rs 12 crore.
Pawar, who heads the Nationalist Congress Party, is believed to be 
far wealthier than his mandatory official declaration suggests. He is 
also a cricket administrator. Pawar and his family have been linked to 
major scandals, including those relating to Adarsh Housing Society, 
Lavasa, and 2G spectrum allocation.
Satish depicts Pawar as a pole dancer showing only so much, with lots remaining 
A senior inspector from the Mumbai cyber branch called up Satish, who
 now works from Kundapura in coastal Karnataka, to persuade him to take 
the cartoon off his blog.


Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.



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