It seems to be raining Goa books this week with two new releases by Goa

One is is a report on Goa by a team of Swedish researchers called 'Goa:
Found and Imagined - Possibilities, Potentials, Tips and Tools' by a group
of Swedish researchers led by Henrietta Palmer Professor of Architecture at
the Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm; and the other is a collection of
poems by Antonio Gomes nemed 'Mirrored Reflections'.Here are some sneak

A group of Swedish researchers come to Goa as part of a study program n
architecture and urban planning in 2011 which was about the time when RP
2021 was at its height. Their study involved trying to understand the local
people's concern about the Regional Plan, and on their part offering their
perspective on what they think Goa needs to do.

Some of the findings are quite thought provoking - such as the need to move
towards an economy which will exploit the resource of water. (Implicitly
this means abandoning the painful and destructive practice of mining or at
any rate controlling it very carefully when it does resume).

I'll leave Gomes' collection of poems for later because most modern poetry
written in the modern style of free verse is a bit difficult to review, but
on first reading the verse seems very readable and unsentimental.


Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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