Nhari  Shakti.
The 33.5 % women  reservation   bill was passed by Raja Sabha under
Congress and defeated in Lokh Sabha .It has taken 9 years for BJP to
address with absolute brute majority.at the dawn of elections.Women are now
a political force exercising their franchise independently of male
influence that has tilted the outcome.The plethora of women centric schemes
are indication to woe them.The female workforce in comparison is woefully
dismal, so also in  employment and education.The  ghastly crimes against
women , foeticide .Healthcare  needs push. Women representation in the
cabinet  in Parliament, Rajasabha  and state Assembly is the proof of the
pudding in eating.In UP Priyanka Ghandi had 40 % reservations. BJD and TMC
deserve salute for giving maximum support .It is a saving grace for women
comfort with Mamta being the only women CM in India What prevented the so
called Champion of women empowerment  to offer that quota irrespective of
legislative provision.?  It is the gimmick of electoral politics to
advertise  and propaganda for elections. Except for schemes and doles women
of India has no parity in pay , inheritance , respect  to male counterparts
.The reservation is not the flag post to usher in etopia for women They
need to be treated  with respect and dignity in every sphere of life
A women PM ,    CM, President.  A cabinet Minister .a speaker here and
there is throwing  dust in the eyes
Dare all the parties as a gesture of real intentions in practice that  at
least  once next   that the  PM.  Speakers and CM of winning parties will
be WOMEN.Indhira Gandhi till date is the only women PM of INDIA
NelsonLopes Chinchi

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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