Noise pollution at Dandeavado
 Junction on NH 66

The residents are grateful for fixing rumblers at this  intersection of
five roads. Residents now  are from frying pan into  the fire. The existing
rumblers are replaced by 6
Strips  each, raised rumbles in 4 places instead of two as of  earlier. The
much needed zebra crossing are also in place and great relief  to
pedestrians It has solved one problem at the deadly accident prone site but
added another serious, unexpected noise pollution. The suggestion was to
expand the Junction, a blind spot   by 2 m of acquired land  as   notices
are served recently to remove all encroachments   At the distances of 50 to
100 meres  radius from the site all around ,the noise blast with thunder
enters the residential houses, rattling windows and vibrating the
surrounding,24 hours  a day. At nights  specially it is unbearable  to
senior citizens afflicted with hypertension, heart ailment .The blast
disturbs normal sleep pattern  and aggravates health conditions .The Govt
has strict  provision to stop loud music by 10 p.m  and same yardstick
holds good here.The police should be directed to check the sound decibels
at night.The sound decibels need to checked  also at day to  understand the
magnitude  and gravity of this sound menance. The residents in a show of
solidarity and anxiety demonstrated  at the site on 6 Dec 2022 at 10.30 a.m
and the event has been documented by the media.
No cautionary sign boards as needed before 25 meres  on either side are
installed.The light  blinkers too mandated  that could help too at mights
are missing. The main aim to slow the traffic is in vain as the motorist
zoom pass at same speed without slowing down unless the vehicles in front
do so and at night  time care two hoots to respect the rumblers and add to
our woes  of unvearable noise  and vibrations

Mandatory speed control should  reduce the noise levels. The sign board
with speed limit 70 must be removed forthwith , just 20 metres from
rumblers . The blast is generated mostly by container trucks, trucks,
busses an speeding cars at nights and enforce rigorously speed limit. Such
noise generating, disturbing rumblers  in  residential surroundings are
best avoided. Cameras must  be installed to check speed by errant drivers
and fine them as a deterrent. If measures to avoid blast of noises 24 hours
a day and more so at Night  cannot be avoided ,better to remove them and
install signals as in other places.  This proposal mooted by the M.P is
lying in cold storage without justification. The  road safety organizations
have  suggested to do away with rumblers on NH, limiting to internal roads,
as they badly cause spine injuries ,spondylitis and  are a potent danger to
pregnant women.
First check the decibels of noise around  ,both at night and  day within
 60 to 100 metres to  verify ,salsify the magnitude of blast of noise that
is a  positive   health hazard to all specially those with ailments and
senior citizens  who are denied their right to peaceful rest
This issue is to be attended expeditiously with seriousness it deserves.
Besides the residents have been agitating with representations to all
concerned for the last 15 years and more pleading for the bypass of just 2
As the  Chairman of P,C Trust and on behalf of  myself, together  with
affected, aggrieved, residents and  senior citizens, this request may be
treated as legal notice to further  proceed legally, if our legitimate
grievances for relief of blast and thunder of noise much beyond tolerable
limits and at nights aided  with provision against noise pollution beyond
10 p,m is ignored
The relief sought is a legitimate grievance ,as court has directed to stop
sound nuisance after 10 p.m.This is an odd example coming within its purview
The representations have been mailed to all concerned authorities,
including the Hon'ble  Minister of PWD

Adv Nelson Lopes

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