Curated from The Quint:

The World's Biggest Exam

“For these lakhs of boys and girls desperately writing exam after exam in the 
hope of even the humblest of jobs, the education system has simply failed 
them,” writes R Srinivasan in his column for The Hindu. He points out how there 
are lakhs of aspirants writing exams for all kinds of government jobs, mainly 
because they seem “secure” to them. He also writes about how the education 
system in India is to blame if people with advanced degrees feel they cannot 
aim for more advanced jobs.
This might be attributed to a pervasive lack of confidence among our youth, but 
the reality is that most of them know that their degree isn’t worth the paper 
it is printed on. Last week, I saw a report of the 10,000-odd candidates – all 
with a minimum B.Com or BA degree in economics – who appeared for a test to 
select accountants for the Goa government, not even one managed to pass what 
officials said was a very basic, clerical grade entrance test.

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