Perks, Perquisites, freebies

The Air India is in the eye of the storm on mind boggling perks extension
to  the retired MD ,CMD The benefits are extended not only to immediate
family, but to son –in- laws and daughters- in -law, unlimited, definite,
for a life time , even after the death of the employee. The ordinary
employees normally available of such benefits only if seats are available
This has to be seen in background that tax payers money is pumped in to
keep it afloat, since it is running into losses, Beside the employees are
not paid  in time, the suppliers are kept on hold and pilots on 19 hours
work schedule are permitted one hot meal .The so called service conditions
need to be reviewed earnestly and immediately to stop this loot ,
insensitivity It is audacious, repulsive  and abhorrent to compare  with
Govt servants only on pensions, without revealing the various benefits
while in service, are they not eligible for the contributory fund like
others on retirement ?The Govt. servants  enjoy LTC once in 2 years to home
town and in 4 years to anywhere in India using Govt. transport or railways
and will be paid railway fare  for air travel, if necessitated. Tax payers
cannot be burdened with pleasure junkets To cut corners the commission and
fringe benefits to the  air travel agents has been greatly curtailed, The
system has to be rationalised, if at all. Someone puts it mildly that Air
India new slogan should read as WE FLY FOR OURSELVES

The railways are not far behind in ex gratia payments without any set
criteria purely at the discretion's and whims and fancies of the
authorities Modernisation, addition of new lines, comforts for the
travellers should be a priority for disposal funds

There needs to be a  spirited public debate on frequent raise of perks to
the legislators,MLC`s M.P`s Ministers at State and Central level including
Councillors,Zilla Prashid, Panchayat members  The MLA` sM.P`s are filing
returns in crores of rupees and yet take tax free emoluments, allowances
with unlimited free travels, junkets abroad, free medical treatment even
abroad  and special arrangement in the Parliament precincts, free postage,
water, electricity , gas cylinders ,petrol, subsidised meals, constituency
allowances, paid attendants, accommodation, allowances to attend sessions
besides, Such privileges and largess is distributed without discussions at
the last minute and when there is no dissent  but absolute agreement. Even
if they serve for a day they get pension and it multiplies according to
terms they serve., What is the definition of pension and what is the
computable service? Mere presence at the proceedings, which sometimes
amounts to recording attendance, few months in a year, is the definition of
qualifying service? Yet they are dissatisfied comparing themselves to those
in British Parliament, forgetting the standard of living of the people they
represent .No doubt politics is the best  profitable profession  with fame
,power, position requiring no educational qualification, experience and no
age limit. They deserve it and much more, factoring inflation for the
yeomen service they render to themselves in the name of the electorate

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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