Offence is the best   form of defence ?

It is disgusting to hear the representatives of BJP  on TV debates evading
the question, beating   about the bush. The anchors inadvertently allow
digression to avoid the bias tag.. The answer to any pointed question is to
retrace past of 30 years and more Alternatively become aggressive ,
distrupt and drown discussions .Two things do not make a right .If similar
situations like rapes, riots existed does it justify to continue the same.?
Where was BJP then?  Did it exist
as  a political entity capable of even raising its feeble voice  in the
wilderness and if it did then quote actions  from historical past
 resorted to express displeasure  .It is plain and clear that they have no
answers   to  pointed questions staring in their facec , allowing
situations to fester by inaction  or by silence like the proverbial
ostrich.The only answer is to keep all wrong doings at the door of UPA and
berate the Congress and its leaders  burried  long ago.Be gracious and
honest to  accept the present  failures on all frints when in power with
brute majority. Deflections , diversions ,shouting  insuniations is not
acceptable behaviour  of defense of the indefensible The intentions may be
noble , actions praise worthy executions  are  shoddy.
The shine is wearing out winning elections is their only  trump card .Is
Karnataka  the curtain raiser ?
Nelson Lopes Chinchiim

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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