Olga Tellis: Karmayogi of journalism
By Shobhaa De, Mumbai Mirror | Aug 15, 2015, 12.00 AM IST

Olga will probably stop talking to me when this column appears. That may
end our 45-year-old friendship rather abruptly! But I am happy taking the
risk - because Olga's many unsung achievements are worth documenting. On
Wednesday afternoon, Olga Tellis nearly didn't show up for her own
"Felicitation", organised by Gurbir Singh, and her fourth estate admirers
at Mumbai's historic Press Club, right across from the offices of the Old
Lady of Boribunder. Singh had unwittingly done the unthinkable when he
posted about Olga having turned 75 on the 4th of August this year. By his
rough calculation, that made it 50 years of Olga as an active journalist.
By any standards, it is a colossal milestone, and definitely one worth
celebrating. But, unsurprisingly, Olga herself was aghast when she was
alerted about the post by friends and promptly declined the honour. Said
she to Gurbir, ".... it is unthinkable. I don't accept felicitations. I
love my work. To be felicitated for that is demeaning the beauty of
work...please, make it a meet for senior journalists - not a felicitation -
or else, I won't turn up!"

Nobody messes with Ms Tellis! Not even Gurbir Singh, Chairman of the Press
Club - the invitation was hastily reworded. As Gurbir Singh put it
disarmingly, "Let's call this a farce of a panel discussion - we are all
here for Olga Tellis."

And there she was! Red nails, red lipstick, red Maharashtrian "lugde" worn
with a gold coloured "Khaan" choli. A far cry from the Olga Tellis who used
to stride into the ultraconservative Mantralaya 40 years ago for regular
press briefings wearing 4-inch killer stilettos, miniskirts, sensuous
jersey blouses...and loads of attitude! This, at a time when she was
possibly the only woman on the political/business beat. And that's the time
I first met her - was she jaw-droppingly gorgeous! She worked crazy hours
then and she works crazy hours now, rarely leaving her desk before 10 pm.

Nothing but nothing matters to Olga as much as her beloved work. Her life
is about the next story. The next deadline. The next exclusive. The rest
can go to hell. Me included! It is an admirable trait for someone in her
unique position. She craves nothing. And shuns personal glory. She has
consistently refused awards and recognitions, saying her work is reward
enough. So single-minded is she that if you ask her about movies, music,
entertainment - you will draw a blank. Her Spartan existence is reflected
in the way she lives - a simple roof over her head in the middle of a
vegetable market. Strictly no frills - not even a geyser! She seems to
subsist on thin air, while concentrating all her energies on gathering
political and financial information/knowledge.

Olga and I have many unusual connections - spotting rainbows is one of
them. Wherever I am in the world, the minute I spot a beautiful rainbow
arching across the sky, I send Olga a message. She does the same. We love
sunsets and skies. Plants and flowers. Her tiny balcony is a mini forest
with wild shrubs and vivid hibiscus. A weaver bird visits once a year and
methodically builds a nest. The huge rubber tree has long outgrown its
planter. These are Olga's real friends! These are the "people" she goes
home to, and wakes up with. Because her heart was given 53 years ago to a
very demanding partner - journalism.

When I had asked Zia Modi to write a book for my imprint, identifying 10
judgements that changed India, she had picked as one of those ten, a
Supreme Court verdict delivered on a case filed by Olga Tellis, upholding
the rights of slum dwellers. This was way back in 1980. It was a
significant judgement that provided legitimacy, dignity and shelter to
thousands by recognising their fundamental right to life. When I mentioned
this to Olga, she was happy - not for herself, but for the slum dwellers
she had fought so strenuously for. In an era where any and every
semi-literate pen-pusher actively lobbies for national awards ("at least a
Padma Shri..." they bleat), here is one individual who has spent the better
part of her life doing what she believes in - sans compromise!

The best compliment I can pay my friend Olga is that she remains the
quintessential reporter's reporter - generously sharing her contacts and
information with younger colleagues, taking copious notes at boring press
conferences, paying attention to routine RBI briefings on fiscal policy,
keeping a hawk's eye on corporate "jigri pokri", asking tough questions to
hard boiled politicians, and hammering out copy late into the night, her
long, carefully varnished nails tapping the keys somewhat noisily...and her
attention remaining unwaveringly on the edit she has to file, an impossible
deadline she has to meet.

Olga Tellis represents true Azaadi!

Happy Independence Day, readers!


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