Waiting for the Sunrise: Goan Jazz Musicians in Dar es Salaam

          Waiting for the Sunrise by Judy Luis-Watson is now
          available at (in both print
          and ebook versions). Details from


          The impressions we pick up as children,
          when our minds are still open to influence
          and as soft as damp sponges,
          are likely to stay with us the longest.
                           --- Ann Patchet

When the Jazz Swingers were at the top of their game in Dar
es Salaam, I was just a young child. Yet I have clear
memories of their band practices at our home and gigs at the
Goan Institute (G.I.), a private club where Goans and their
guests could socialize.

          This band story is a result of a question that kept
          playing in my mind when music was my profession.
          Strangers in the U.S. often asked after a
          performance how I learned to play the blues. What I
          think they were really asking was how someone who
          looked like me could be so immersed in music that
          originated in African American culture. The answer,
          however, seemed clear -- I fell in love with the
          deep sound of blues music as well as the clever
          story-telling and double entendre lyrics. As for
          jazz, I felt at home with it because swing music
          was the live and very real soundtrack of my early

That recurring question, however, became the
catalyst to delve into my family's musical roots. How did
my dad Jerry Luis, born in Tanganyika and of Goan
ancestry, learn the wide range of music he played? And
what about the Jazz Swingers, the band he played with
in Dar es Salaam?

The Jazz Swingers were the first Goan swing band in Dar es
Salaam (Arabic for Harbor of Peace), the capital city of
Tanganyika. Beginning in 1947 and through the mid-'60s, these
musicians of Goan heritage entertained thousands with
American swing jazz as well as dance music from Cuba, South
America, and Europe.

          At every occasion, the Jazz Swingers opened and
          closed with an instrumental version of 'The World
          is Waiting for the Sunrise,' a hopeful tune born in
          Toronto, Canada, following the devastation of World
          War I. They became twinned with the song,
          especially in the hearts of their Goan audiences.

It's been a fascinating journey to learn about these
musicians, why they left their ancestral home, and how they
contributed to the music scene in Dar. My safari began in an
unlikely place, but perhaps it was precisely the right time.

In Toronto, on September 26, 1999, a long line of relatives
and friends waited to offer condolences to my parents at the
wake for my brother Ian. I would rather have been sitting
quietly somewhere, but I mustered up the courage to talk with
people I didn’t really know or hadn't seen for years. One
person was John Nazareth, who had served as the President of
the Goan Overseas Association in Toronto. At some point I
asked what he thought of the idea for this band story, and he
responded that people (at least Goans) would be interested in
it. When I mentioned his brother Peter and how much I enjoyed
his novels and the compilation he edited on Goan literature,
John suggested I call Peter, who lived in Iowa City.

In the meantime, my dad Jerry arranged for us to meet with
several former members of the Jazz Swingers who lived in
Toronto. Follow-up conversations with musicians as well as
other members of the international Goan community helped to
unpack the story. My intention is to provide a window through
music into the Goan experience in Dar; acknowledge the role
these musicians played in their community; and share a
picture of the times in which they lived. As much as this
project is a slice of my family history, it is also a piece
of the Goan, Indian, and Tanzanian story.

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