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Okay, I have just spoken at length to Sanjit Rodrigues, who has confirmed 
the following:

1. That the idea of the art camp at Farmagudi was to promote the govt resort 
there, that the names of Vivek Menezes and Malcolm de Sousa as "advisors/ 
semi curators" for the camp were recommended by some of the artists (I know 
their names but that is not important now, since the idea is to examine the 
how this situation can be avoided in the future, and not to denigrate any of 
artists, none of whom, as we know, are saints), but that he had no special 
relationship with either Vivek or Malcolm previously, and simply went along 
with the artists' recommendation, and that the recommendation of Ranjit 
Hoskote as curator for the exhibition came from Vivek, who said he knew him.

2. That although there may have been some artists who were genuinely unable 
to attend the camp, Sanjit heard from some of the artists that some other 
artists, instigated by Deviprasad Rao, had decided not to attend the camp 
because they didn't agree with having Vivek and Malcolm as "curators" of the 
camp, and wanted Dev to curate instead. That he (Sanjit) also did some 
investigation and found this to have some element of truth.

3. That Swati Nair's report in the Herald is accurate regarding the seven 
boycotters: there were seven artists who did attend the camp (I know their 
names as well), and possibly more behind the scenes, who felt that other 
artists, even those invited, but who were unable to attend the Farmagudi 
camp, should be excluded from the Aparanta exhibition, and who threatened to 
boycott the exhibition if additional artists were included.

4. That most of the work exhibited by the Farmagudi group of artists is 
studio work, but that since he (Sanjit) is not an expert he didn't see at 
the time why that would be relevant (I explained the issue of criteria), and 
that as much as the excluded artists are hurt, so is he, because all he 
intended to do was something really good for Goa and to utilize the old GMC 
building in such a way as to show its cultural use.

5. That he has absolutely nothing against the artists who were excluded and 
would like to work with those artists who didn't get a chance to be a part 
of this event, and is ready to talk to them (preferably after the election 
fever) and work together towards something positive;  that this was a 
learning experience for him, that he will open up the opportunity for 
artists again in Nov and take advise from experts rather than from artists 
in determining who should run the show.


Having spoken to people on all sides of this issue, it is pretty clear to 
me, who did what, who was manipulated by whom, who has been lying, who 
played faves, and how artists on both sides foolishly allowed themselves to 
become polarized. And I am not at all sorry to have spent a couple of days 
digging for veritas. However, I have a pretty good bullshit detector, and 
Sanjit's account is the most rational. Instead of digging in their heels, 
the artists on both sides should drop it, move on and stop being so partisan 
or acting like overgrown babies. And they should beware of proverbial Greeks 
bearing gifts; if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is . The 
Aparanta exhibition was something potentially beautiful that was made ugly 
by inexperience, jealousy, and cronyism. Though I believe the GTDC is 
ultimately accountable and should have cut through all the crap of self 
promotion and to checked the credentials and bonafides of those they put in 
charge of such an event, I'm pretty sure they have learned their lesson in 
all of this. I am dropping my request of further investigation. I can't 
retrieve my GT column, which has already gone for print, but I am stopping 
the Bombay piece.

If you've been forwarding messages, kindly forward this as well.

over and out,


I have reported what can be verified; i.e. what Sanjit Rodrigues said 
happened, which is not necessarily the full story. For example, a number of 
people are disputing Rodrigues' claim that he actually investigated the 
story about Deviprasad Rao, and even more dispute his claim that had no 
prior connection with Malcolm de Souza. That is an independent 
investigation, and really a job for the press. I have done what I set out to 
do: to shed light on a murky affair and to challange the credentials of 
those posing as art critics/connoisseurs, the GTDC's method of selecting 
so-called experts, and the criteria for inclusion in Aparanta, whether this 
was an appropriate use of public funds. I could carry on pressing Sanjit 
Rodrigues over loose ends, but utimately feel this will only backfire on all 
the artists. 

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

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