
PM’s interview to ANI news channel prima facie violates the Model Code of
by E A S Sarma


by Jagdeep S. Chhokar & E A S Sarma

*Shri Rajiv Kumar*

Chief Election Commissioner

*Shri Gyanesh Kumar*

Election Commissioner

*Dr Sukhbir Singh Sandhu *

Election Commissioner

Dear Dr Sukhbir Singh Sandhu, S/Shri Gyanesh Kumar/ Rajiv Kumar,

We refer to an interview given by the Prime Minister to the ANI news agency
recently, which can be accessed at

We feel that the interview prima facie violates the requirements of the
Model Code of Conduct (MCC) as follows.

   - The portions of the PM’s interview relating to references to Ayodhya
   and Sanatana Dharma, based on misrepresentation of the views of other
   political parties, amount to appealing to the religious sentiments of
   voters to vote for the ruling political party to the disadvantage of other
   - The PM’s assertion on the so-called “transparency” of the Electoral
   Bonds scheme, recently held to be illegal by the apex court, is factually
   incorrect, having the effect of misleading voters
   - The ANI interview, lasting more than 67 minutes, as a part of the
   electioneering campaign of the PM, amounts to the ruling party taking
   advantage of its sway over the media to gain an undue advantage vis-a-vis
   the other political parties to secure an electoral advantage over them. It
   also amounts to the ruling political party misusing a media channel free of
   cost to convey to the voters many schemes proposed to be introduced, such
   as a new scheme proposed for corporate political donations, which are not a
   part of BJP’s election manifesto

We request the Election Commission to initiate action against those
concerned urgently.

Yours sincerely,

Jagdeep S. Chhokar

Former Professor, IIM (Ahmedabad)

E A S Sarma

Former Secretary to the Government of India

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