My poem in Konkani "BHAVARTAVHIM FULAM" - those who did not understand it due to lack of knowledge of Konkani, I am giving here the English version with rhyme and all.

The Blossoms of Faith

   What a congregation!
   What is the occasion?
The thought raised curioisty in my mind.
   The Christians and Hindus,
   And of other Faiths too,
Here on the doorsteps of our church I find.
   That is something quite rare,
   But it's happening here:
The marriage of the Faiths, so I may say.
   Of what I may now learn,
   Hereon t'you I shall pen:
That you too may know and walk in their way.

   Oh, here is Marikin,
   But she's a pious thing.
Well, there's Paulo - but that is very rare!
   He here on bended knees?'
  Tis a miracle. "Please
Tell me Mister Paulo, how come you here?"
   Paulo shyly replied:
   "All in vain have I tried,
Alone to break the shackles of ill-fate,
   Till a friend counselled me
   To pray to Our Lady;
So here I'm on my knees outside the gate."

   Who's that with a round cap?
   Must be a Parsi chap!
Oh, that is the wealthy Sir Tarapore.
   "Well, tell me dear Sir,
   What brought you over here?
To the shrine of Our Perpetual Succour?"
    "I had a sick daughter,
   Who had passed all doctors,
But none could cure her chronic malady;
   I made the Novenas,
   She's cured of her traumas.
I have come to thank the Virgin Lady."

   What, Sitabai Devi?
   You here my rich lady,
With beautiful flowers and fat candles?
   Here come just the needy,
   But you're very wealthy;
Yet, you're here abandoning your temple.
   "Yes, I'm here" said she,
   "To pray to Your Lady,
For happiness, that's been surely failing.
   I'm struck by tragedy,
   My husband has left me,
Only Your Lady could him to me bring."

   Well, I know the guy there.
   He had no suit to wear!
How come now he's dressed as good as a groom?
   "Hi Jack, you really buck,
   What brought you such good luck?"
Popped the reply: "Our Lady saw my gloom;
   In answer to my pray'rs,
   A job came my way here;
I earn now good money, no more in red.
   For being unemploy'd,
   My girl left me in void.
I've found another, tomorrow we wed."

   Well, who is that woman?
   She is Lady Marion!
A wealthy lady in her good forties.
   She has come here to pray?
   She'd need nothing, I'd say.
Anyway, let's hear her tell her story.
   "I need a man, you see,
   To find one ain't easy;
For one like me stuck in high society."
   Looking in her sad eyes,
   I almost felt to cry;
Having wealth, one can also be lonely.

   And I, a good Christian,
   Poor, but with great vision,
How I must be in need of a good pray'r.
   People of other creeds,
   Have won favours indeed,
Through Our Lady of Perpetual Succour.
   Enough, I'll be gonna,
   'Tis time for Novena;
I too shall pray to the Holy Virgin.
   But what shall I behove,
   Wealth or Miss Marion's love?
Pardon me, that'll be my secret. Amen.

The Konkani version can be found at:

                    Basilio Magno (Spain)
                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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