Police Commissioner of Bombay.....has said..."if there is a Dada in the area,
it should be only the Police Inspector".........but landmafia buildersmafia
slumlords in bombay have connections with police, administration, local
politicians..........due to which the police inspector may turn a blind eye to
land grabbing in his jurisdiction.............now which Dada in Bombay has the
powers to take action against the landmafia / buildersmafia /
slumlords...........and which Dada has the powers to take action against MPs,
MLAs, Corporators who have encouraged the growth of slums in bombay by
rewarding land encroachers with voting rights, ration cards, water
connections, etc .........and which Dada has the powers to protect the last few
bits of openspaces gardens playgrounds mangroves saltpanlands forestlands
in bombay from being encroached.............and which Dada has the powers to 
the builder-politician-babu nexus in bombay.................but the solution to 
problems of bombay are not in bombay.........the solution is for the Indian
Government & State governments to strictly enforce two child policy in
rural & backward districts & towns in India as well as improve
infrastructure agriculture industries manufacturing job-opportunities in
those areas then only will the migration from these areas stop into
bombay.....when the migration stops then matters related to crimes,
corruption, slums, illegal-instructions, etc in bombay will also start

The native people (farmers tribals fisherfolks) of the entire konkan region
(bombay thane raigad ratnagiri sindhudurg districts) living in the
goathans, adivasipadas, koliwadas have been neglected due to the political
dominance of rich maratha politicians from western maharashtra........the BJP
is supporting the statehood for Vidharbha but if in the future the natives
of konkan also agitate for a separate Konkan statehood with bombay its
capital will the BJP support the agitation ? .

Property tax owners asociation in Bombay have given more importance in
opposing the capital value property tax of the bmc but not the 500 sq ft
rule......due to which those who own above 500 sq ft flats/houses will
receive hefty property tax bills even those whose flats/houses are old &
dilapidated.......before 2010 there was no 500 sq ft rule.

Dalits, Tribals, Mahars, etc in India will not have the same respect which
fair skin people like Upper castes & Brahmins in India have.........at the
moment there is no fairness cream through which a person who has
charcoal/dark type skin can become permanently fair.

India needs a political party whose vision mission agenda is to improve the
health wealth housing jobs land-holdings & security of all citizens
irrespective of which religion/caste the citizens belongs to.

Pope Francis needs to change the position of the lay catholics in the
catholic church from "Pay Pray Obey" to a position of Partnership with the
catholic clergy in running of the Church and all its institutions. Amen.

Jorge Monteiro

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